Initiation Series

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Initiation Series
A new age of human knowledge is dawning. The Light Craft Nexus is a hub where that new knowledge is being uncovered, and played with. See you "there".
Staying liberated in your mental life is imperative to building the life you desire. Here's how you can do that.
Learn how to connect with your emotions and incorporate a primary principle of light bringer philosophy.
How do we begin to open ourselves up? Read this article to spur some thoughts and aid you in creating a healthy system of honesty around you.
What does your touch communicate about you? Learn how to reclaim the natural power of your touch for platonic, natural, and harmonious connections. Learn how to manage your touch to form healthy relationships (no matter what you desire from the other).
What does your eating habits tell you about your inner operations? Are you willing to face your own motivations and optimize them? Feel free and regain your pleasure to life.
Do all of our actions contain meaning, and if so how is that meaning created? Are you aware of what your actions are saying about your sub-conscious mind? Take your power back over your subconscious and have it work towards your greatest potential by reading this article. CHEERZ.
Do you feel that you are at times overly-rigid? Does it work against you socially? Read this article for a clear path on how to create a pattern-interrupt and change for the better. Onwardz!
Do you know how to debate? Read this article to gain necessary information and learn how to debate beyond egoic limitations. This information will set you free and destroy your ego.
Are you stuck in the trap of idolizing and glorifying others while your life passes you by? If so, this article is for you (and dedicated to the liberation of humanity). Aho.
Defensiveness is a sign of a lack of integrity on some level. That's okay. Read this article to learn more about how to solve this and become the strongest version of who you are!
What IS Shame and is it a legitimate emotion? Are you struggling with shame and guilt? If so this article is for you. Deconstruct the shackles of shame and liberate yourself.
The voice is one of our primary ways to communicate with eachother. How is one's voice defined and how can it be used to increase coherence? Read this article to find out more
Welcome to part 2 of the "How to Think For Yourself" series! Read this article to find out more habits you can use to free up your thinking and begin exercising your mind! Light Bringers.
What can you do now to embody truth, freedom, love, and happiness? How can you aid in the creation of a new culture that promotes the support of yourself and the people around you? How can you reclaim your power and help others in that process for themselves? Read this for some extra fuel and insight.
Bad habits stop us from shining our inner-light out into the world. This process will take you from contributing to self-destructive habits to aligning with your inner-light to shine out into the world.
There are many forces in the world who are seeking to motivate men to act and think in different directions. How do we as young men know which forces are good for us and seek to help us along our path? This letter is for any man out there who is struggling to find their inner light, and is ready to reject anything that goes against his inner-most expression. For those who seek to create connection to those around them.
Learning to think for yourself was at one time our baseline survival tool in order to prosper. Still today, this ability to connect to our inner light and think coherently about anything is our greatest tool to navigate our lives individually and collectively. Learn several habits that can aid you in building up your ability to think critically.
Connecting to one's emotions is essential for being able to express oneself authentically. From early childhood many of us were conditioned to disconnect from ourselves. In this article I detail a 4 step process that one can use to regain connection to their inner light and expression.
An optimally functioning chakra system gives us access to our innate intelligence and wisdom. In todays world dysfunctional belief systems can have an effect on our own system and ability to operate efficiently. In this article I detail a meditation practice to establish sovereignty within the chakra system and transcend one's environment.
Our shadows can purvey virtually every aspect of our lives and yet be elusive. In this article I explain briefly WHAT the shadow is, and HOW to integrate it utilizing a specialized methodology. Once this is done, our personality can be optimized and we can be emotionally liberated. Aho!
Ever wondered how to open inter-dimensional gateways into benevolent realms of healing? Unlike the "deadlights" from the movie IT - real visualizations can be used to create healing for the nervous system, the mind, and the spirit. Find out how.