EVERYTHING IS RITUAL (Program Your Reality Consciously)

".....Nothing is Real
Everything is Permitted..." 

"The laws of the universe are universal. Know them and be free" 


Do actions contain inherent meaning? 

Where is the line between subjective and objective reality? 

When is something “real” and when is it “imaginary”? 

On an emotional level of reality, this can sometimes be confusing to decipher. 

On one hand, our emotions color our world. 

They give us a lens to interpret the world through. 

On the other hand, one’s emotional response to any given scenario heavily depends on their perception of the scenario itself. 

Have you ever experienced a change in emotional response, due to seeing things in a different “light”? 

If so, this begs the question: which emotional state is more “valid”? 

Which is more "real"?

How does one determine this?

In this article I will talk about how emotions and intention can be optimized for every daily living… through daily action and routine. 

How our lens (our intentions) affect our perception of reality, and how our daily habits reinforce those lenses.

Let the magic begin.

Everything is Ritual

Everything is ritual. 

Every act we do is a prayer (or can be seen as such). 

The essence of “ritual” is found in intention and meaning. 

Our brains are meaning making machines, and every action we take we take in accordance with how we think about life and reality. 

Those who are out of control of their emotions are gripped by the subconscious meanings their minds are creating. 

They are “victims” of their own subconscious programs. 

They “lack” the ability see passed the meaning they ascribe to their experience of life. 

In the throes of this state, one can’t fathom that their interpretation ov reality is merely an interpretation, and that there are many other ways to interpret reality. 

Is there objective reality? 

Of-course… though this should never stop one from maintaining an open mind in order to see other possibilities and perspectives. 

We are capable of taking positions while maintaining an open mind to new and novel information. 

More real information creates more freedom. 

We may see what we believe to be objective reality at one moment, only to later find out that the truth went far deeper than we originally thought. 

That is why knowledge is power.

Reality is constantly unfolding and often times we may not have a clear picture of what reality really is. 

We are still learning to see reality and we are still coming to comprehend the nature of what it is that we “see”. 

How can one see the image of the puzzle when there are missing pieces to the puzzle? 

Silent Prayers 

What do your actions say about you? 

What is being validated through your action (or inaction)? 

Humans are ritualistic beings. 

We ascribe meaning to our actions and then it becomes “real”. 

When we take actions in accordance with our goals and aspiration.. we are investing in that goal on a metaphysical level. 

We are working towards it on a daily basis through a myriad of little decisions and actions. 

Sooner or later, those rituals add up. 

All those little rituals, are apart of one big ritual. 

So ask yourself.. who is the “god” that you are praying to? 

What is it that you are paying homage to with your actions? 

When you go to sleep at night, have you completed the daily tasks required for your desired outcome? 

How do you pray in the silence of your mind? 

The meaning we ascribe is the bridge between one’s “imaginary” space and physical consensus based reality. 

What is it that people see when they look at you? 

Do people agree on the image you created? 

What energetic ghosts linger around you and how are you expelling them from your existence? 

Are you befriending them, or simply outworking them until they are no longer there? 

What vibrations are you conjuring and what vibrations are you transmuting?  

Learning to Tune To Your Frequency

We all have a frequency within us that is more “pure” than others we may choose to entertain. 

What voices guide your daily actions? 

Take time to meditate and feel into what you actually desire in this life. 

Do your actions match this desire? 

Are you being honest? 

How can you change your actions to ensure that they are coming (at least) closer and closer to the mark? 

Step by step. 

And remember, there are a plenty of small decisions that simply are not important. 

What you eat.. (not as important as you might think). 

Where you go for a brunch with a friend. 

The order that you do X Y and Z. 

What are you giving power in your life? 

Look to optimize your processes in life.. though don’t put more weight on things than they deserve or need. 

Know yourself. 

Some decisions have more leverage than others. 

Some simply matter more because they have greater ability to cause change and shape reality. 

Take this list of questions for example: 

1: How are you spending your time on a daily basis (majority). 

2: Where are you putting majority of your focus 

3: When you are putting your focus towards those thing(s), how focused are you? What do you accomplish in those windows of time? 

4: How are you moving forward every day? 

5: What habits are you keeping up with on a consistent basis and how can you make them better (more return on investment). 

These questions matter. 


What does it tell us about reality when something has “meaning” that everyone can agree on? 

If a group of people see the same image, and feel the same meaning… what does that tell us? 

What is the nature of meaning? 

How do we amplify it for our benefit? 

What meaning is most important to you?

What does your heart say, and are you paying homage to it? 

When we engage socially world, there is intention that can be felt from the core of our beings. 

When we engage with other human beings, we can feel “where they are coming from.”

It may be clear, or it may be a contortion of noise and confusion. 

How deeply can you feel into the intentions others are emitting through their words, actions, posture, and existence? 

As individuals, we have the power to respond and ascribe our own meaning to anything that we experience. 

This why we are capable of being sovereign. 

In our own souls it is up to us on the meaning we choose to ascribe to different events and occurrences. 

“Between stimulus and response.. there is a space. In that space we find our freedom”

What are the ways you are choosing to respond to your environment, and does it reflect your deep knowing of your inherent freedom? 

How are you responding with your heart? 

Does it know it’s sovereignty, or are you at the whim of others? 

How far along are you? 

How do you reflections reflect back to you your own subconscious beliefs? 

What are they and what could use some tweaking to create more emotional liberation for yourself and others? 

Are you shining bright, and which circumstances bring out your brightest light? 

Until next time, 



The Light Craft Nexus is a hub of achievers combining real world action and magical exploration of ancient spiritual arts. 

Connect to Light Craft on Telegram to stay up-to-date with more articles, information, and future happenings. 💫✨

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