End All Addictions Now (Wake-Up Call For You)

The modern world isn’t “real”. 

It is the figment of the imaginations of the people who aided in building it. 

In nature - non of it exists. 

Society as a whole can take the look of many faces. 

Throughout time, societies have developed depending on a group of people’s culture and value system. 

Today’s world is no different, no matter how unconsciously it has been created. 

As human beings we are innately equipped to be happy and to thrive in nature. 

We are innately equipped to harness our intelligence and create from a place of sovereignty. 

We are also innately equipped to have deep emotional bonds with the people around us, such as our family and our community. 

It is only in the modern world where it is normal to reject those who are close to you and to “escape”. 

It is a deception influenced by the modern world to induce young people to seek validation and further ways to prove they are “cool”, at the expense of their critical analytical skills. 

The education system is not an ally to free thinkers. 

In order to turn all of this around, to guide it in a positive direction, for ourselves and our future generations, we must eliminate everything from our lives that distracts us. 

We must seek out interconnection with those who we care about. 

We must take proactive measures to decondition our minds and our bodies. 

We must take the time needed in order to establish firm roots within ourselves and to remove the mental shackles that limit our potentials. 

The modern world and all of it’s trappings does an excellent job at producing a population that is weak and unable to think for themselves. 

Docility is the goal, as more and more roll-outs are created that further addict the humans that use them. 

While social media and technology are useful to broadcast wide-net communications - we as humans have lost touch with our innate capabilities outside of social media and technology. 

Remember that all of the modern tech that has human beings woefully addicted has only been created in the last 60-100 years. 

Some for only 20 years or less. 

It is “brand new”. 

For generations upon generations human beings existed in more of a natural state, where communications where done in person on a case by case basis. 

Today, we are able to peer into other people’s “lives” and cast judgement upon essentially anyone and everyone. 

This habit of judgement comes from insecurities and unresolved wounding within the human population. 

Our wounds are being used against us, and subconsciously are being used against other people. 

Instead of promoting people, and shining positivity upon people, the world is engulfed in self-righteous comparisons and judgements. 

Have you ever seen someone’s Facebook or instagram who comes from a community such as the Amish? 

Or a person who comes from a close-knit Chinese family? 

While we can find critiques in everything - one cannot deny the level of connection these folks have to their communities and families in comparison to the common westerner in “developed countries”. 

When will the escapism end? 

When will you choose for it to end in your own life? 

I believe we are capable of much, much more. 

I believe as human beings we are designed to be deeply connected to our families and our communities. 

I believe this starts with us as individuals. 

If you are reading this and this resonates with you, I welcome you to the Light Craft Nexus. 

Here we seek to return ourselves to our human nature. 

We seek to strip away all of the conditioning of our lives and regain control, command, and freedom within ourselves. 

This starts with removing all habits and decisions that take us away from our nature. 

It means willingly taking control of our behavior and ceasing all addictions that are promoted in our environment. 

The human spirit is resilient, and we as a collective are strong. 

We are capable of embodying our innate sovereignty. 

We are capable of embodying our critical thinking and remaining emotionally non-attached to the world around us. 

We are capable of being what some would call “bohdisattvas”. 



This world requires that we strengthen our mentalities. 

That we strengthen our auric fields. 

And we dig deep to exercise our innate powers and capabilities. 

Our psychological world is filthy in many ways. 

Many people don’t want to admit it. 

They don’t want to see it. 

Many simply want to “go along” with the way the world is evolving. 

How many end up unhappy? 

How many are unhappy in this moment? 

How many have something of longevity that they have built? 

How many feel genuine love and companionship in this life? 

How many have deeply built trust in their hearts for the people around them? 

How many of us are children walking around in adult bodies, stunted in our development? 

How has it become normal for children to be taken away from their families for large segments of their developmental years.  

What is the alternative to this and how can we embody this alternative? 

What does an alternative education system look like?  

How do we use the financial system to our benefit - feeding vibrations that benefit alternative culture? 

A culture of prepared and responsible adults? 

A culture of compassion and connection between members? 

A culture where we know each other and reject the invitation to debase ourselves and forgo the virtues of liberty, loyalty, and self-empowerment? 

What are you doing today to enhance your own life and live freely? 

What are you doing today to create a culture where we give to those we love and nourish them to grow strongly? 

How are you aiding to the development and care of the people around you? 

How are you standing up for you loved ones? 

In a society that promotes narcissism, how are you going against the grain and supporting those who support you? 

These are the question we are capable of creating foundations from.  

I send this message out to any who are seeking stronger commitments from those around them, and stronger communities. 

Who seek to connect with those whom they love and who love them. 

It is always a good step to take the initiative and simply give to those who are around you. 

To start first

In today’s world, we can’t afford to play “tit for tat”. 

We must be self-starters. 

Become a self-starter by working on yourself and giving to those around you. 

Seek opportunities where you can help build up the people around you. 

Offering love to them and nourishing them. 

How can you express this to your siblings, your mother, your father, and your closest friends? 

How can you take care of yourself better? 

One way that this insidious agenda propagates itself is through the addictive tendencies of human beings. 

How are you distracted by compulsion and desperation? 

What can you cut from your life now to show that you love the people around you? 

As long as we have our love, and are connected to each other - nothing else matters. 

That is where we are most in-powered. 

That is where we can tap into our innate freedom and act from a place that is unaffected by the system that constantly seeks to sway us from a path that is defined by justice. 

Choose the light. 

Embody the light of awareness. 

Cultivate your connection with the light within you. 

Stay tuned for more information on this - which I see as “ammo” for you to take into the world and to spread light for all those you care about. 

It’s about self-sufficiency, not dependency. 

Thank you, and may all beings be free. 

How did this land for you? 

Join the Light Craft Nexus official Telegram group to stay up-to-date. 

Share stories of YOUR in-powerment through the connect page

Until next-time. 

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