How to Heal Your Chakras For Optimal Performance (Try This)

How To Heal Your Chakras For Optimal Performance 

Within the spiritual community there is a lot of talk about the different chakra centers. 

In this article I will discuss how one can optimize their chakras in order to increase their performance and establish sovereignty.  

Within this world it is quite common to have “out of balance” chakras. 

Poor solar plexus functionality, a lack of connection to one’s “divine” gifts, and repressed sexuality are all signs of chakras that are out of balance or “out of touch”.  

These less-than-ideal states of our chakras are due to the irrational belief systems we are born into. 

While we are the inheritors of hundreds of thousands of years (or more) of human advancement and intelligence, we are also the benefactors of the limitations of our previous relatives and ancestors. 


The story of human history is one of evolving consciousness. 

This process of evolving consciousness is known as “The Great Work”,  with the goal of “The Great Work” to be to expand consciousness and increase our capabilities with each subsequent generation. 

It is therefore not only our duty, but our joy, in expanding our own consciousness and “downloading” upgrades into our nervous system that surpass the limitations of our forebears. 

As if we have been handed a great device, and it is our job to continue to fashion this device for the sake of humanities continuing evolution and prospering, as well as to continue to move the wheels of the ages and usher in entirely new epochs of human history. 

The well functioning of our chakras are a part of this process.

When a chakra is out of balance, it is reflected in the way that one feels and the ability to process information for effective action.  An out of balance chakra or chakra system will slow down the individual and be a contributing factor to dysfunctional behaviors and beliefs. This decreased functionality can manifest as a lack of empathy, lack of connection to self and others, and confusion in the mind. 

On the other hand when one expands their awareness and has chakras that function optimally, they gain access to their innate intelligence, connection with their inner light, and allow the subtle energies to move through their body in such a way that produces higher and more refined qualities of awareness. 

This preferred state allows one to think on “higher levels”, or from more expanded perspectives, which then translates in a greater ability to effectively function in virtually all scenarios one finds themselves in, or creates for themselves. 

It gives way to enhanced cognition, which then transfers into clearer and more decisive thinking across the board.  

You may be thinking “this sounds great!”, though the next obvious question is “how does one optimize the functioning of their chakras?”. 

The way one optimizes their chakras is actually quite simple. 

It requires time, attention, focus, and consistency, and an open mind. 

The more these traits are embodied - the more efficient the process is in optimizing one’s chakras becomes. 

Throughout the rest of this article I will explain briefly what a chakra is and how it functions; then I will share with you a technique that, if used, will produce results in optimizing your chakras as well as pave the way for further refinement and expansion. 

What Is A Chakra? 

The word chakra comes from a Sanskrit word that means “wheel” or “disc”. 

The chakras themselves are energy centers that form at specific points within the body. 

While there are many “centers” or concentration points of energy within the body (like on the palm of the hands for example), the 7 major chakra points are found along the center line of the body from the “root” chakra to the “crown” chakra. 

Physiologically, the chakras are points in the body where networks of nerves and muscles come together and produce centers of energy or consciousness. These centers can be felt the more one becomes aware of them and activates them consciously through practices such as the one described later on in this article. 

They are the centers of power of the human body and with each chakra there is a corresponding “intelligence” or “power” to unique to each one. 

For example, the intelligence in one’s root chakra is “different” than the intelligence in one’s heart chakra. 

Though like different instruments in an orchestra - when the chakra system is functioning well every chakra enhances and supports the other chakras. 

The chakras of the human body make up a system and are all part of a unified whole. 

When one chakra is optimized, the entire system is optimized. 

The chakras themselves are related to specific bodily functions as well. 

For example, the heart chakra is associated with the heart organ and lungs, whereas the solar plexus chakra is associated with the digestive tract, gut, and all the neurons within that region of the body.  

These chakras work with the vital life force energy that travels throughout one’s body through a network of channels and “highways”. 

Life force energy (referred to by many names in different cultures) is a “subtle energy” which means that it is more perceivable as one gains more expanded degrees of awareness. 

This energy and the interaction with the functioning, strengthening, and maintenance of the chakra system greatly influence one’s “personality” and abilities of cognition, action taking, decision making, and feeling emotions. 

The health and well-being of each chakra affects virtually all ways that the human system is operating, including memory recall, learning capability, in-the-moment cognition, critical thinking skills, the ability to learn, the ability to adapt, and the ease in which one can accept new information and rewire their nervous system. 

The chakras even affect our communication abilities, ability to sense into our emotions, to trust ourselves, and to build bonds with other human beings (as well as ourselves). 

The chakras themselves, are configured by one’s belief system and effected by the way one chooses (consciously or subconsciously) to perceive reality. 

The more aligned one’s belief system is with the light (virtue), the more conscious and sovereign one becomes. 

How To Optimize The Chakra System

As previously stated, the chakras work in a system with each other. 

They are part of a unified energetic field generated by the human body and are natural to the human body. 

The ways in which one can optimize their chakras and expand their horizons, is through specific practices that aid one in their spiritual health. 

Common practices include: 

  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Energy Work 
  • Action-Oriented Alignment Practices 

While all of these are extremely powerful and can compound on each other - below I will focus on a Light Craft “generated” visualization technique that has the ability to completely rewire the nervous system and the internal configuration of the chakras utilizing divine intelligence. 

You may be wondering (rightly so) how I can make such a claim - that one can utilize divine intelligence like any other tool.

The reason I make this claim and stand by it is because of experience.

In my time of healing my own nervous system, I have had repeated and verifiable results with utilizing practices such as the one described below.

These practices were capable of taking me from very painful states of consciousness (due to unprocessed emotions) and allow my chakras to activate and aid me in processing turmoil I had experienced in the past.

The technique itself involves connecting to supreme intelligence through the crown chakra which then aids one in making the necessary energetic changes to one’s nervous system via intuitive guidance.

If this sounds too advanced for you, I assure you that it is not. Simply follow the steps outlined below. 

A Visualization To Upgrade The Chakras: 

Visualization techniques are techniques that allow us to consciously direct energy to specific points in the body.

By utilizing one’s imagination, one is able to connect to specific “nodes” of awareness and intelligence that are innate within. 

The technique: 

  1. Begin by lying down and allowing oneself to come to a relaxed state. Take deep, slow, and rhythmic breaths to relax your nervous system and slow down your brain waves. This is a period where you are relaxing and entering into an ideal state to do “energetic surgery”, cleansing, and upgrading. 
  2. Activate your crown chakra: We will now begin to activate our crown chakra, which is our access to our higher dimensional awareness. To do this imagine a sphere of golden white light above your head. If you are able to you will be able to “sense” the sphere above your head and actually feel your crown chakra. If you do not, that is also normal as it will take time to sensitize yourself to these sensations and activate your crown chakra strongly. Continue to focus on this sphere of light within your crown. Take your time here and imagine it as clearly as you can with as many details as possible. Imagine that it is like a burning sun and feel it’s power, intelligence, and clarity. The more that you connect with your crown chakra in this way, the easier it will be to access your intelligence. 
  3. Focus on the Crown Chakra: Once you are sufficiently connected to the sphere of light you will likely begin receiving “waves” of downloads and insights. These insights may give you new perspectives on different things in your life in the present moment, they may be glimpses into the potential future, or they may be new and fresh perspectives on scenarios from the past. Continue to focus on the sphere of light for some time and simply receive the information that wants to come through. This is a time to be receptive and feel inpowered. 
  4. Maintain Awareness of the Body: As you focus on the sphere of light, notice if there are any other energy centers in your body that are activating. The body is intelligent and will signal to you what to focus on. You may notice that as you intently focus on the sphere of light that your sacral chakra begins to activate. When the body speaks and draws your attention to a different location on your body, tune into that location and connect to it. 
  5. Access Other Chakra Points and Cleanse Them: Once another part of your body begins to activate, tune into that part (or other chakra) and using your focus, continue to activate it more strongly. As you focus on it, imagine golden white light enveloping that chakra or part of your body. This light is supreme love, comprehension, clarity, compassion, and power. As you intently focus on this other chakra center or part of your body continue to feel into it and “massage” it / reconfigure it with the light you are connected to. As you do this you may gain insights, have seemingly “random” memories surface to your consciousness, have a desire to sing or vibrate certain notes, and so on. 
  6. Trust: As the body guides you on where to place your focus, trust your intuition and do what you feel is necessary to release anything that may be “blocking” your chakra. This could be surrendering on a very deep level or using your voice and “singing” or toning to specific frequencies.

As you perform this meditation and visualization - be aware of anything that comes to mind that can provide insight into how to continue to optimize your life and move into / create upgraded realities for yourself. 

During this exercise one is going into states of consciousness that allow their own innate intelligence, channeled through their chakras by connecting to the sphere of light, to guide their awareness. 

This innate intelligence then able to gain access to the subconscious mind and the nervous system, rewiring it for optimal functioning. This process “bypasses” the egoic barrier of consciousness that may have otherwise been a hinderance to one’s growth and advancement. 

Through connection to one’s source consciousness and building trust through repeated positive experiences and innerstanding of the light, one can then allow access to deeper and deeper levels of the nervous system.  

The goal through this process is to change one’s default mode of consciousness from a limited state to a more expanded state. 

What many identify as their “natural” personality is really a limited expression of themselves that they are used to and have come to accept as “them”. 

It is their conditioned self. 

By releasing tensions, blockages, resistances, we are then able to access our wisdom, rewire our nervous systems, and activate our chakras to larger and larger capacities. 

Our awareness becomes enhanced and our ability to transcend our environment from the status quo way of operating becomes more and more fluid, natural, and embodied. 

We naturally begin to increase the vibrations of those around us through our actions, direction, and concentration of focus. 

Our ability to maintain a strong biofield (aura) becomes enhanced as well, and we become less susceptible to the influence of others thoughts, emotions, actions, and inactions. 

Our ability to maintain our own mental frame and sense of identity becomes stronger and more sturdy, as doubts are all eliminated from the mind and replaced with higher dimensional wisdom, awareness, and heart-centered knowing. 

This intake and acceptance of higher dimensional wisdom then acts like an immune system for the psyche - where pollution from the outside world (egoic thoughts, beliefs, and so on) become null and void, ineffective and obsolete. 

As one continues this practice of enhancing and upgrading their chakras, learning to surrender, accept, and optimize, to trust the connection they are cultivating with their own source of light, the chakras are enhanced and so to is the nervous system as it is rewired with the guidance of this higher dimensional awareness. 

This eventually becomes easier and easier as one becomes accustomed to the process and witnesses real-time results from such a practice. 

As these results are witnessed and accepted, then the real fun can begin and the optimizations can take place in a faster and more rapid pace. 

One key to remember here is that the rewiring of the nervous system can take time. Establishing a connection with one’s crown chakra through the sphere of light can also take time if there are doubts and other limiting beliefs in the way. 

In order to achieve the success one is able to - consistency and repetition is key. 

Program this exercise into your daily or weekly routines to build momentum, explore, and continue to optimize your consciousness. 

The optimizing of your chakras is the best investment you can make for yourself - because the benefits gained ripple and have a direct effect on every other area who you are, what you experience, and what you create. 

The world has major sections of the collective consciousness (people) fooled that the “answer” they are looking for can be found in modern human-made pharmaceuticals or by chasing transient things outside of themselves - when in reality the answer to our liberation and building the life we desire is inside of us, here and now. 

The key to liberating our awareness and connecting to that which we are comes by moving beyond the conditionings that limit what we think we are capable of and to rewire those conditionings, paving roads and pathways in the nervous system for quick and direct access to our higher dimensional awareness and expansion of perspective. 

This allows us to transcend our environment in all of its forms and begin to create, speak, act, and feel from a place of cognitive awareness and direct connection. 

By activating and reclaiming our chakra system, we gain sovereignty and become immune to the false precepts of today’s culture of seeking authority “outside of ourselves” and begin to rest in the authority of our own being. 

When this comes to be more and more stable, our ability to think clearly becomes enhanced. 

We gain our sentience and individuate ourselves from the mass mind control on the planet - claiming our “crown”. 

We become individuals - and can begin to make conscious choices for ourselves and along side other conscious people. 

This is how we can guide ourselves to enhanced present and future realities, while connecting deeply with those who we love. 


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