Choosing a Brighter Path (For Men)

It’s not a secret that males are being indoctrinated with plenty of outside programming.

Many men lack support systems around them, making them susceptible to recruitment and indoctrination by “false forces”. 

The "liberal" left is an example of this.

Much of this programming is pushed with underlying agendas. 

These agendas are put forward by many groups, factions, and “collectives”. 

These groups include Hollywood, governmental agencies, top-down created front organizations, and even misguided and brainwashed “free actors”. 

These groups have their “visions” for how they would like men to act and think.  

They have their own ideas of what they would like men to devote themselves to. 

They want to motivate men into specific directions. 

Some of this programming can be incredibly insidious, as it advertises itself as inviting one into a greater degree of personal power. 

This offer can be tempting for the uninformed and ill-educated. 

It hooks into men through their insecurities, wounds, and dissatisfaction with the way the world is operating. 

It manipulates them through their primal and innate desire for heroic action taking.

It then uses them for it’s own purposes and moves them to act, think, and feel in ways that further it’s agenda. 

It attempts to go deep into childhood programmings and embolden resentments, angers, and frustrations with the world and the people they engage with.  

It is a philosophy that encourages one to become cold to the world. 

To become disinterested and adverse to the well-being of other human beings. 

Much of this programming teaches one to dominate others, and diminishes one’s ability to have empathy. 

It takes “cold human beings”, and instead of teaching them ways to become more complete.. it drives them to be colder and commit atrocities.

It teaches men to exploit “weaknesses” for ego gratification.


It influences unjust punishment. 

This programming can even sway one to target their close friends and family members in negative ways, driving separation from what could be one’s closest support system. 

It corrupts the mind.

It influences one to see others as being unworthy of everything and anything.

In it’s ultimate form it can influence a human to not value the life of another human being, and seek to take advantage of them without any regard for their long-term safety or progression. 

It is a philosophy of hatred.

It goes against any values that are related to family, friend, and tribe.

It fuels ego, arrogance, and corruption of the mind. 

It is heretical to the well-functioning spirit of humankind.

It creates "a-social" personality types.

It is anti-life.

This kind of programming fuels endless wars and men dying under false-flags. 

It fuels the parasitic paradigm that has been taking advantage of our civilizations throughout history.  

It fuels a paradigm of brainwashing and mind-control. 

It endorses betrayal, violence, a lack of mercy, cruelty, deception, thievery, and a lack of accountability.

It radicalizes wounded men with limited support systems, to take rash actions.. 

It targets those who already feel isolation within themselves.

Ultimately though, this false-power that one “gains” from accepting such programming is fictitious and empty. 

It is fleeting, being built on validating one’s already troubled state and inner-wounds. 

Ultimately, it is manipulation. 

As men, we seek to be powerful. 

We seek to be capable of action, protection, acquisition, and successful “hunts”. 

We seek to grow and embrace our greatest dormant capabilities. 

And as with all false doctrines there are always grains of truth hidden within. 

That is how the manipulation happens. 

That is how the manipulators twist a man and use him for their purposes and their agenda. 

By giving him some truth, then turning him into a “useful idiot”. 

These agendas are easy to spot, as they go against the well-being of oneself. one’s family and one's community. 

My question is - will you be used for this agenda? 

Will you let your greatest gifts be used against you and your own mind?

Or will you choose another way?

Will you choose to embody the light within you and spread it across the world? 

That is what is being explored here at the Light Craft Nexus. 

To embody freedom, sovereignty, connection, and light. 

To spread awareness and clarity. 

To cultivate greater degrees of critical thinking.

To see truth on all sides, wherever it exists.

Does this resonate with you? 

Join the Light Craft Nexus Telegram group to stay up to date. 

It is time to reject false dogma and embrace that which allows us to thrive.

We all have an inherent light within us...

It’s time we use it.

Stay tuned for more in this on-going series and remember, always embrace your light. 

Peace, Love, Namaste

May the Light Of Awareness Guide The Way 

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