How To Think For Yourself (7 Habits For Critical Thinking) Pt. 1

Hello, and welcome!

In this article I will detail some of the daily habits and rituals one can utilize in order to embolden those who are on the light bringer path and are developing their independence of thought. 

These practices are designed in order to support ones process in learning how to think for oneself through the exercising of that critical thinking “muscle”. 

This skill and the process of cultivating this skill become more refined the more that one exercises it through challenging themselves. 

One of the goals when designing these habits for oneself or coming up with unique challenges for oneself, is to identify anywhere where a crutch exists in the realm of critical thinking and to remove that crutch. 

This applies pressure on one’s internal operations to think and produce the best possible outcome given a common problem that may be reoccurring in one’s life. 

Like any muscle that is not utilized properly for sustained periods of time, critical thinking eventually atrophies and becomes impotent in accomplishing it’s designated function when it is not regularly exercised and implemented in one’s life. 

Our brains are designed to process information, and we as humans are designed to be able to think critically for ourselves. 

This allows us to survive and be independent in our existence - not relying on outside authorities of any kind to do our thinking for us and to act for ourselves. 

To be self-willed is to be connected to ones inner nature and to choose to do things from a place of internal connection with one’s innermost self. 

It means to comprehend one’s own values and goals - then to use this information to make decisions in real time when navigating through life. 

This ability to think for oneself also gives one the ability to think expansively - to expand on one’s perspective and acquire unique tools and techniques in emotional transmutation and transforming actions into “leveragable” opportunities. 

The ability to think critically acts as a safeguard against mental laziness and dependency. 

The ability to think critically is the ultimate immune system builder of the mind.  

It allows us to deconstruct anything that would threaten our inherent sovereignty and convince our subconscious mind that we are anything less than free. 

It allows us to process emotions easily, deconstruct them so that we gain the necessary wisdom from our experiences in a more and more efficient manner. 

Ultimately the benefits of being able to think for oneself are innumerable. 

Those just listed are a couple to help fuel the journey you may be taking to build this crucial muscle and begin to live a life that would not otherwise be possible. 

Opportunities available to us are correlated with the levels of thought and comprehension we are able to attain. 

The farther we go, the greater our psyches become, the greater lives we are capable of living and the greater impact we are capable of as light bringers to create better lives for ourselves and aid positively in the social groups we are apart of. 

Without further ado - here are 7 habits that support and build one’s ability to critically think

1. Don’t Ask For Other People’s Opinions Until You Have Come To Your Own Conclusion 

This is a big one. 

Prior to getting someone else’s opinion on something, be sure that to do your part in thinking through whatever it is.

Come to your own conclusion and action plan.

You may find that once you do your part in thinking something through you no longer feel a “need” outside opinion. 

Connecting with others are useful when we are solving problems - though they should never be a crutch for our own innate intelligence.  

2. Have An Open Mind  

Be willing to change your mind given correct information. 

Ideas are simply ideas, and some ideas while useful for moments, may turn out to be un-useful or shortsighted in the long run. 

Some ideas serve us for periods of our lives, though as we grow may become hinderances on our path and no longer represent the wisdom we are choosing to embody and unlock. 

Recognize when an idea is coming from a place of limited perspective and when adopting a new idea, or way of viewing the world, is a sign of growth and expansion. 

This does not mean to abandon one’s foundational principles or value systems. 

It means to be open-minded enough to know when an idea is old and outdated, which can be replaced by another perspective which serve one in stepping into enhanced realms of shining their inner light. 

3. Harness Your Principles 

Principles are the central or foundational “codes”  that guide our beliefs, our decisions, and our emotional operations. 

These “codes” reflect our core values in our lives.  

Knowing what these are and continuing to sharpen them when making decisions makes one stronger as they move through life. 

This process of “sticking to one’s principles” (granted that the principles prove themselves to be worthwhile) will guide one throughout life as they build and make life-changing decisions. 

By adhering to one’s code, one is capable of cultivating other virtues of discipline, loyalty, and devotion to a particular path. 

Learning what this path looks like and choosing principles that lead one to the destination one seeks is a skill in and of itself - though can be done through practices such as meditation and connecting to one’s inner light. 

Ask for guidance, find what one truly values, comprehend the best ways to get there, and continue to hammer in those values that most benefits one’s soul.  

This practice are tools that aid one to think for oneself as one navigates through the myriad of choices one will be making throughout life. 

In the context of bringing light into this world - these principles guide us on how to respond to anything in life that is in accordance with our value of benefitting and “capitalizing” on any given experience to bring about more connection and comprehension. 

4. Don’t Use Google To Solve Your life 

The only one who can comprehend your life is yourself, and likewise the only one who can live your life is you. 

Anytime you are about to pick up your phone to go to google to search the best solutions for whatever discomfort you are sensing in yourself, make it a point to interrupt that process and sit with your emotions. 

Develop a practice of contemplation in these moments and steer your boat in the direction of figuring out, accepting, and deciding what you can do in that moment to make your life better. 

“No one is coming to save anyone” - the power of our mind, our ability to think critically, and our inner light is what we have to move in the directions that we ultimately want to go. 

Dependence on technology to come up with useful solutions atrophies the power of one’s brain. 

Isn’ it better to build up one’s brain, expanding neural connections through the power of one’s own ability to think and contemplate? 

Interrupt these patterns of dependence and believe in your own capabilities! 

5. Stop Accepting Freebies and Handouts 

This is especially true if you are figuring out a financial path in life and have dependence on others for financial “support”.  

Unless accepting a gift is advantageous in producing good will with you and another person, make it a point to depend deeply on your own internal resources to add color and spice to your life. 

This fosters independence of mind by putting one in a scenario where one must think for themselves in order to “play the game”. 

This also allows one to gain breath and identify any dependency patterns within one’s life that are not optimal for one’s relationships, friendships, and long-term character development and sustainability. 

Identify where dependency exists in the realm of resources and finance, then determine to resolve those “points” in one’s life. 

Train oneself to identify where one can add value to those points and reverse engineer the drain that one inevitably feels when one is dependent on any other human being or system that fosters dependency. 

Everyone brings something to the table, and chances if you are struggling with finances, you have forgotten where you are capable of adding value and what skillsets you can continue to grow in order to offer even more value.  

In nature, our ability to work within a collective and act independently for the tribe would ensure our the survivability of ourselves and “our” tribe. 

In the modern world that can often be overlooked due to the system we were born into. 

Everyone has value to add. 

Everyone has gifts and skills to create.  

The question is - how can you add value to the lives of others and help create more for your community, collective, and personal self? 

Learning to think through these aspects of life to create greater self-sufficiency is a great exercise in strengthening one’s ability to think critically and access solutions, solely from the light within. 

6. Learn to Ask Questions 

Curiosity is the driving force of being open-minded and open-hearted. 

It allows us to access information that can be useful to us along our path. 

The trait of asking questions is a tool that allows one to excel along the path and reform their way of relating to other human beings who we share this planet with. 

It is a great way to reform habits that lead to ignorance or arrogance. 

In the path of the light bringer - asking questions is a great way to shine light in dark places and attain information that can help with deepening connection or clearing unnecessary built-up “negative” emotions. 

It has the ability to help one comprehend another human being. 

It also has the ability to enhance one’s innerstanding of a system that can be optimized to run more efficiently, such as a business or travel trip. 

Asking oneself questions is a great way to learn about who one is, what one believes, and to gain the necessary data points to optimize one’s belief system and “outlook”. 

The process of asking questions is great in accessing the ego and being able to change one’s mind given new information. 

This new found information can lead to many places - all of which can be positive when constructing our realities and continuing our “quest” in life. 

Question Everything and stay open minded for the answers. 

7. Connect To One’s Inner Light 

By connecting to one’s inner light one develops a way of relating to existence and reality that is characterized by trust, faith, and compassion.  

These emotional attributes have a way of calming down the nervous system, which can allow one to be more receptive to intuitive guidance that comes from the subconscious mind. 

This more relaxed state also allows one to feel more, and to think more clearly about any given decision. 

The inner light within all of us has the ability to guide our lives even when we are processing states of confusion. 

As we cultivate the connection with our inner light - we gain the information necessary move forward with our lives in positive and productive ways. 

We allow the guidance we receive to inform us on the best steps moving forward. 

Our inner light being capable of giving us a multi-angled perspective on any given situation, has the ability to guide us to our best selves. 


That completes this installment of what is looking like will be an ongoing series! 

If these tips helped you, I invite you to drop a comment to give an example as to how they have helped you!

What is your experience with these practices and how have you cultivated your own ability to think clearly and critically?

How have you developed trust with yourself through thinking clearly? 

I would love to read it here. 


If you would like to stay up-to-date with the Light Craft Nexus and aid in cultivating a community of light-bringers, then join the Light Craft Nexus Telegram group and sign up for the Light Craft newsletter. 

Share your wisdom, insights, and stories through the submission form on the connect page.

 I would love to receive your information on how being a light-bringer has changed your life and what the light is to you.  

That’s it for now - stay tuned for the second installment of this series! 

Peace, Love, and Namaste, 

May the Light of Awareness Guide The Way 

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