"The Light" : A Visual Gateway

The Light is a gateway. 

The ones who practice light craft and "light" based magic  can experience very real trance-formations within their consciousness, their modes of operation, their perspectives, and their emotional reactions. 

When done properly, the internal awareness levels become expanded.

One's ability to be aware within increases and one begins to notice all the subtleties of their inner operations.

This increase in quality gives way to making conscious choices.  

These inner spaces - where awareness has been achieved, then gives the “operator” the ability to rearrange the inner space at will - in accordance to the level of awareness they have achieved. 

This then is the “new” definition of magic: The ability of the operator to change the forms, configurations, and functions of the inner world. 

This then gives rise to new and expanded ways of being - given that the operator is not brainwashed into making decisions and choices that lead to their own downfall. 

To guide ones awareness - principles are required. 

Education is required.. and alignment to source is the primary guiding “light” in how one reconfigures oneself. 

In the philosophy of free-will, we are free to choose who we are, what we represent, and what kind of lives we choose to lead. 

We choose how our emotional system is configured and we at will are able to reconfigure it to insure our operating system is consistently receiving upgrades that lead to greater and greater expansion - leading to the evolution (involution).

The question when one is performing these acts then becomes: In what way does one reconfigure themselves?

How does one mold one’s belief structures in such a way that is known to produce positive results? 

How do we know we are progressing and programming ourselves with sustainable - long lasting positive change, steering our ships towards correct and optimal destination points? Weaving our lives towards ultimate good? What is our compass? 

The Light is Our Compass

How does one open up the portals to higher dimensional awareness - where one gains comprehension and innerstanding about how one is performing in their internal “alchemical” process? 

How do we know that we are producing positive results and what guides our way? 

The Light itself is the gateway and is itself higher dimensional awareness “embodied” -  it is higher dimensional awareness and by connecting to it - one gains access to the awareness that is available through the crown chakra which then has the ability to inform the other chakras and the entire system - guiding it to coherence and embedding all virtues into the way the nervous system is wired. 

For those who are suspicious as to the nature of the light and where it “comes from” - much of it depends on how you choose to engage with it. 

The light of awareness - of truth - of innerstanding and comprehension - is the most projected upon thing in all of existence. 

The reason is because the light by it’s nature reveals or “exposes” the things in which we may intentionally or un-intentionally may be hiding from ourselves, from others, and are “tricking” ourselves into believing. 

Due to the nature of the light - whose intentions are always pure - the aspects of ourselves who are “invested” in the habits that drive us into the ground through destroying our health via sugar addictions, for example, are inherently “threatened” by the presence of the light or someone who embodies the light sufficiently to be able to shine light on those trickster aspects of ourselves and peer into what is going on “behind the scenes”. 

This entire phenomenon manifests as a “felt experience” and in the context of healing - the proof is in the pudding - meaning the experience of the vibration is self-evidently high quality, pure frequency, loving, nurturing, and embodying. 

When I first began to open the portals to the Light within my own being - I was heavily affected by previous experiences in my life that left me feeling a severe lack trust and suspicion towards the things and people around me. 

It was in the throes of that despair - not even feeling connected to my relatives, let alone my chosen people to live this life with (and worse - feeling judged by them where I felt I was thrown to the streets in the rain so to speak - that in the gutter I learned how to “create” or “connect” with the energy source of the Light. 

The Light slowly worked with me in my deeply traumatized state where I was unable to be reached by those around me. 

Slowly, like training a wild animal (that wild animal being me the Light began to gain my trust once again - showing me that it loved me and was devoted to seeing me healed. 

I had to go through many emotional processes from that time until now, and even typing these words is releasing some micro emotions as I feel tears rising. 

It is true that I am still mending myself - though I was extremely careful every step of the way after experiencing severe wounding, betrayals, and confusion that whomever or “whatever” I connected to next was worthy of trust - that their credentials checked out and their “inner-wizdom” was true. 

I needed deep, deep inner healing - and I needed the right vibrations to be able to approach me in those extreme spaces within that were wild, chaotic, abused and abusive. The sharpness, like walking on broken glass, was something that most people had little to absolutely no ability to hold space for. 

This is what the light is capable of - reaching the wild and traumatized animal in the inner essence of all beings - all humans. 

To reach others in the places where they need it most. 

To establish connection and reassure them that they are not alone.

To create a fire where it is cold.

That is the path and that is why the light has earned trust from me and why I speak about it so openly here - offering information to all of you. 

The Light is good - and it is aiding in building a new world for us all to live in. 

Through meditation and visualization - this gateway can be opened. 

The call can be made and is being made by many of us. 

We are building a world without the need for outside authorities - because we have discovered what many have been afraid of for so long… 

Our ability to be our own authorities. 

Our ability to trust ourselves with what we are doing. 

This gives us our autonomy to exist in and outside “established” systems and to build what we are building with the light of our awareness - while also giving us the ability to communicate with our fellow human beings and give them the “gift” of our currency. 

So what is the Light? 

  • It is the source of intelligence and awareness 
  • It is the love from our ancestral lines 
  • It is the communication channel of divine wisdom 
  • It is the eternal remembrance of who we are and what we are doing 

It is a gateway of which love may enter into your being. 

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