Share Your Journey, Share Your Ideas

Transformation & Community:

Share with us your journey of being a Light-Bearer.

What wins have you had recently and how have you been challenged and shined through those challenges?

What writings have impacted you the most and how?

What epiphanies have you had that you feel could aid in supporting others in their journey of connecting to their Inner Light?

How have you been creating pathways of connection and consciousness between you and your loved ones?

Share your techniques and stories as offerings to the collective awakening.

Science and Research Submissions: 

Do you have research that can help shine light on the nature of reality from a scientific, historical, or technological perspective?

Do you have any files that could help shine a light on the world?

Send over them over and let's explore them together.


Schedule or request a visitation via a submission form or directly through Calendly below.

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Disclaimer For The Paranoid: We are not collecting information on behalf of any 3rd party or government. The Light Craft Nexus IS NOT a "psy-op". Information submitted will only be utilized within the Light Craft network with authorisation from the submitter. All information is utilized, shared, and submitted with the intention of liberation for all human beings. Thank you for your participation and only fill out what is valuable and what you feel comfortable doing so. Any information that can be shared to further shining more light into the world is greatly appreciated. Aho.

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