How To Deal With Being “Privileged” (4 Steps To Autonomy)

Within the Light Bringer philosophy we comprehend that all personality traits and character traits can be altered over the course of time with the right attention, dedication, and devotion.

We can develop that which is good for us and diminish that which does not serve our long term visions.

This is seen as an innate ability granted to us by the power of our inner light (god) itself, where we are blessed with grace and mercy as we are born into environments that have the capability (and probability) of programming us in unhelpful ways during our childhoods and youth. 

As we come into adulthood it is common for deeply reflective thoughts to occur which can manifest in what some call a “quarter life” crises. 

Of-course, this can take place later on in life as well, such as is the case of a “mid-life crises”. 

It may very well happen as many times as needed in order to orient oneself properly, or to dispel an old life for another new life that is more aligned with one's values.

Death and rebirth.

In the world today, it is known that those who are considered “privileged” are seen as lightening rods for hatred and vindictiveness. 

Meanwhile, some people may be “privileged” in some sense, that same “privilege” can completely hamper an individuals development at the same time. 

What is the privileged person to do? 

It’s a catch-22, though it is solvable. 

In this article, I will detail mental framings that one can have to regain their sense of power if they are indeed "privileged."

These mental framings (and subsequent actions taken) will dissolve the conditionings that influence one to think, feel, and act in a  “privileged” way. 

I will likewise dispel some of the beliefs around the idea of “privilege” and reveal how the resentment that is projected towards privileged people is ill-deserved when put into an appropriate context and frame. 

Still - utilizing “negative emotions” can always be helpful, no matter what side of the fence one is on. 

Ultimately, the goal from a Light Bringer perspective is to dissolve all pretense and achieve liberation of consciousness. 

If you feel that you have suffered by being “privileged” in anyway - this article is for you. 

As a Light Bringer, this article is devoted to the liberation of consciousness and all the false ideas that keep one from achieving their potential. 

What Does Being "Privileged" Mean?

What does it mean to be privileged? 

Is it privileged to grow up in a family that in-joys to sing, and therefore creates an environment where their children blossom in singing? 

Or, is it privileged to be raised in a household that knows how to take care of finances, and passes this information down to their children? 

In pre-modern days, this kind of information would be the lifeblood of growing cultures and societies. 

It would make up the formulation of traditions, be transmitted from one generation to the next through oral history and instruction.

It would be considered essential teachings to be passed down to each generation of youth, in order to maintain the well functioning of a collective and people. 

Today, there is much vindictiveness around those who are seen as people who are raised by competent adults who then pass that information down to their children. 

This is one side of the multi-faced coin… and one worthy to note at that. 

Kids who are raised by adults who give them information that allows them to prosper are not the problem here… and indeed is a good thing. 

Any tradition which guides the youth to become the brightest versions of themselves is a tradition that is aligned with the Light Bringer. 

What we want to focus on in this article is what it means to be “privileged” in the prejortive sense, which will be continued to be defined now. 

What people typically mean when they say “so and so is privileged”, is that they received something they have not earned. 

This is where much of the hatred comes from that is channeled towards those who are showered with what would be seen as “blessings and freebies".

Ironically, this pattern of receiving something that one has not earned has a long-term negative effect on the individuals character development (unless otherwise interrupted).

This is the irony of "privilege".

The ones who are "privileged" are often being set up for a disadvantage in life.. not a benefit.

The negative effects on character development can cause someone to live a life that is not even close to their innate potentials.

It can poison and corrupt the mind.

An individual who is privileged is typically seen as ungrateful - because they have been conditioned to be so. 

Value is subjective.. and to the person who has received little, gifts are received typically with grace and gratitude. 

To those who are emotionally disconnected - such as the case with “privileged” people, gifts often become a source of shame, embarrassment, and validation for their own potential inadequacies. 

Instead of being pushed to achieve... the "privileged" are motivated to sit back and accept.

The long term detriments of this kind of conditioning can run very deep... where those who "received less" or were "less privileged" actually find themselves in advantageous circumstances comparatively.

This article is for those people - who in many ways had their vivacious attitudes chipped away due to being "privileged".

In a real sense, many people have these “privileged” character traits in one form or another. 

It is not just a single class or “demographic” of people. 

It’s not a single group. 

It’s many people, all over the world. 

The reason that many people have the character traits that typically relate to being privileged is due to the world we are raised in.

Many things are handed to us “willy-nilly” as opposed to going out and earning it through some feat, calculation, or accomplishment. 

We are surrounded by many "things" and they can easily be taken for granted.

The answer to this is to create patterns of behavior that actively work in the opposite direction, and to adopt a worldview that emboldens one’s path in earning what they receive. 

This could mean not accepting money from family, or choosing to pursue alternative pathways that would force one to think for themselves. 

It's about taking control of your environment.

Seeing what is working to your benefit.

And what isn't.

The world today doesn’t help this scenario out in any regard with it’s plethora of numbing agents it provides to the population. 

Sugar, cigarettes, alcohol, social media apps, scrolling - all of these things are distractions from what is real and what needs to be done in life. 

The privileged mentality comes when humans are handed things they do not need. 

When the inner fire to achieve is snuffed (often due to the mis-understandings of family and close family friends).

Fortunately, as humans we are incredibly resilient.

Once patterns are recognized, they can be effectively dealt with.

What To Do About It 

If you are reading this and think that you are suffering from being privileged, there are specific action steps you can take to reverse the process. 

These action steps can act as a ritual to summon a stronger version of yourself into existence. 

To construct a stronger version of yourself. 

To give power to the aspect of yourself that knows.

They are daily actions, that cut out that which drains your vitality and aids in supporting that which aids your long-term character development.

These daily actions mean it is the end of a hopeless life and the beginning of living life consciously. 

Follow these steps if you seek to embolden yourself - and let us know in the comments section how reading this article has aided you in becoming a brighter version of yourself.

Comments are always appreciated, and showing how you are illuminating yourself is always inspiring to others who are doing the same. It also gives me more motivation to keep this information coming.

1: Stop Accepting Handouts 

If you are suffering from having things being given to you, the first thing to do is to stop accepting handouts from everyone. 

You must earn what you are seeking to achieve. 

That is the only sustainable, and inherently respectable way to get what you desire. 

No one cares about something that someone achieves through it being given to them. 

It can be sensed by the people who matter most. 

By earning what you seek to achieve, you establish the traits that are capable of getting you to your goal in the first place. 

Once you have that, the mentality cannot be taken away from you. 

The achievement itself can not be taken away from you. 

Even if you were to die, the work you have done remains and you will know yourself on a deeper level. 

This is how you are able to shine your internal flame, your inner light, out into the world around you. 

Build, and achieve the respect that you seek. 

2: Use Your Intellect 

Your mind is capable of achieving great things, if you allow it. 

The school system did a piss poor job at granting the environment necessary for children to begin to access the genius within. 

It is your responsibility to create that environment for yourself and to begin to take in information that helps you in achieving that. 

The mind is a powerful tool when it is oriented and trained properly. 

When it is guided and directed by principles. 

In order to be a light in this world, to achieve illumination, sovereignty, and be the walking embodiment of that - one must take a principled approach to life and to the scenarios (“problems”) one encounters. 

Being able to see an “object” from as many perspectives as possible liberates one from being narrow, rigid, and stuck in endless loops. 

Look out into the world and use your mind to think. 

Connect to the light within yourself and think about how you can help others. 

Where can you provide value to another human being? 

This is a big part of the journey of reconditioning yourself from being “privileged”. 

Value is always appreciated, and the more value you build for others and help others build, the more respect you will gain. 

This is a cure to the ailment that characterizes the modern world.

Value exchange necessitates accountability. 

By utilizing your innate intelligence, you are quite literally taking a stand against complacency. 

You will become self-motivated to build and help shine light into the world. 

3: Create Something of Value 

Create something that others find valuable and desire to have more of.

Provide service that betters the lives of others.

This will provide positive energy to other people, which will then be connected to you, allowing you to build your life and internal sense of self from strong and stable foundations.

In business, this could be a product or service that is genuinely helping people with their struggle(s) in life, where they feel grateful for what you are creating and the ability for them to participate in it. 

It could be something that is open to the public at large, helps animals in need, or tackles any of the other problems that are people feel plagued by. 

Lesson the weight that other people carry and they will take notice.

There are patterns to this. 

Seek out a niche that you can devote your time and attention to while being rewarded for that work. 

Invest in others, and see how they begin to invest in you. 

Through this practice, the capacity to feel the emotion of gratefulness expands, and so too does the capacity in others. 

Gratefulness is one of the shining emotions that aids on in reforming their character on the deepest of levels. 

It has the power to profoundly impact every single connection one has in their life. 

In business, friendships, romance, and all others. 

Which provides a perfect pathway to the next point. 

4: Gratitude Reframing

Intentionally focus on gratitude. 

Take time out of your day to come into the present moment and realize how grateful you are for everything that exists in your life. 

Notice all the things that are in your life that other human beings have built and you now benefit from. 

Notice all the ways that other people have aided you in your journey.

Are you able to receive this? 

Notice… what do you feel? 

What emotions do you feel?

Are you able to feel grateful for the help that has been offered?


That’s it.. for now. 

If you are suffering from being privileged,

the solution is action

Not thinking. 


It is a time for heroes to emerge. 

Are you one of them? 

Are you up to the challenge of making right what has come prior to your existence? 

Are you up to the challenge of experiencing the expansion of your heart? 

Can you feel that possibility, and are you yearning for it? 

Being privileged can come in many forms and have many reasons for existing.. 

Fear is the ultimate reason. 

From all sides. 

In all parties, participating in it’s cyclic existence. 

Will you let the fear consume you - or will you prove that you are able to be an asset to those people around you? 

Will you choose to transcend? 

The choice is yours. 

It always is. 

If you would like to be connected to, and stay informed as to what is happening via the Light Craft Nexus consider joining the official Telegram Broadcast Group. 

Those who are aligning themselves with the constellation of Light Craft are individuals who are choosing to transcend limitations and life a live that means "more". These people are choosing to align with values that are eternal and pave the way for the light to guide. Are you one of these people?

Join the Broadcast now. 

Become a Light Bringer. 

We are still new, and in the infancy… however this channel will only continue to grow. 

If you are reading this at the time of publication… you are one of the few who has come across this website in it’s infancy. 

This is a time where “I” am integrating and downloading the Light Bringer mythos into my being and spreading it like wild-fire as a cure for the collective spiritual sickness of this world.. As well as my own piece of that.

Light Craft is devoted to that - growing a garden of health. 

Creating healthy ecosystems guided by humility and principles. 

Concentrated action. 

More writings inbound 

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