How To Think For Yourself (7 Habits For Critical Thinking) Pt. 2

Welcome! In this installment of the “How To Think For Yourself” series I will be sharing 7 more habits one can utilize to foster an independent mind. 

If you haven’t checked out part one of this series, do so HERE. 

An “independent mind” is defined here as a mind that is free from mind-control.

In other words… A mind that is free from fear. 

How can one think for themselves, if they are paralyzed and restricted by irrational fears?

In this segment I will be sharing more “programs” that one can install in their own lives in order to boost performance, shake off old unhelpful habits, and gain deeper access to my one’s innate intelligence. 

These “programs” are habits. 

Human beings are habitual creatures after-all.. We may as well optimize them! 

These habits are designed to boost the traits that foster independent thinking. 

These are “unconventional” habits that one can form and run for a set period of time, or use them on a long term basis. 

All of these habits point to the integration of a set of principles

The principles of how one can become a “Light Bringer”. 

To become liberated, and to shine one’s inner light brightly and radiantly. 

These principles are like tools. 

Once one knows where they want to go, the next question is how do we get there? 

May these habits serve you well 🙏🏼

  1. Eat Natural Foods

In order to get to where we want to go, it’s good to have a well functioning machine (i.e. one’s own body). 

In today’s world we are inundated by choice, many of the options within these choices would not be available to us in our natural setting as human beings. 

Many of the choices in the world of food simply would not have been possible even 150 years ago, and at most beyond 10,000 years ago. 

What is unnatural = is not optimal. 

In order to function at our highest, our natural food sources are a baseline. 

Let go! 

  1. Be Efficient 

Once one knows where they want to go, the next question is how to get there in the most optimal and efficient manner possible. 

This question brings about a myriad of altercations one can do with how one spends their time. 

Choose a goal, then question how to achieve that goal by focusing on high value activities that bring one closer to that goal. 

These activities, done over a sustained period of time, will produce results. 

If more efficient habits come to awareness, do well by adopting those new and improved habits. 

Shedding skin is part of the process. 

Removing that which has gotten in the way of your inner light from shining through. 

Choose efficiency. 

Make a list of ways that you can optimize your time on a daily basis and then act in accordance with that list. 

By doing this, you exercise your mind in such a way where you look for solutions. 


  1. Play Word Association Games

Word association games work by showing you what words you think of when you choose a particular topic or starting point. 

This practice is great in revealing “hidden” perspectives as well as seeing things from multiple angles (“multi-dimensional” thinking) which can aid in developing an open minded perspective and critical thinking capabilities. 

An example of this is choosing a word like “libertarian” and then typing or writing or thinking of all the words associated with that term. 

This gives insight into what one truly thinks or how one is thinking which can then aid one in feeling emotionally how they are internally wired. 

This gives the opportunity to rewire oneself into greater emotionally-based connections as well as expand their intellectual perspective on any given topic. 

This may also lead to insights when exploring or deciding what to do for any given scenario. 

This is also a great way to “brainstorm” for a particular topic, idea, project, or venture. 

  1. Talk To People Who You Have Aversion To 

If there is someone in your regular experience of life that you feel yourself avoiding, it may be worthwhile to talk to that person and have friendly conversation. 

Often times the reasons we avoid others is due to our own noise in our brains.

To cancel out these less-than-optimal vibrations one can simply explore them by going directly to the source of them. 

Facing fears of talking to specific people, canceling out judgements, and “casting” out negative energy. 

This doesn’t mean one has to “be friends” with everyone.. though sometimes it can be beneficial to connect, share, elaborate, and investigate with a curious mind. 

After all, the people who we may have “bumps” with may have something for us that could be useful. 

This is a great way to clear one’s energy and be able to exercise more critical thinking. 

  1. Solve Problems As They Arise 

An aspect of thinking for oneself is resolving issues or “glitches” as they arise. 

These could be anything from a light bulb that burned out, to changing one’s oil, to sending an email from a place of foresight. 

When one sees an opportunity to solve something, action is taken in that direction. 

By choosing to resolve “problems” immediately we are also training our nervous systems to become more and more efficient at solving issues and optimizing scenarios when the opportunity is present. 

The more that this is done, the easier and quicker it becomes. 

This is also a great way of canceling out worthless ideas in one’s mind and focus on what is real. (Especially useful for moments or patterns of “overthinking”!). 

Do this on a regular basis, and see how much faster your life evolves and the mind develops in synch. 

  1. Gamify Life (Make It Impersonal) 

Life is neutral - the things we work on as individuals are there regardless of “who we are”. 

The work is there to do, and it can be done. 

Seeing life as a game… as a series of tasks to complete in the most efficient manner possible, allows one to think about what they are working on in a way that is direct, to the point, and gives greater access to straight forward action steps to get done what needs to get done. 

This attitude does wonders in removing the “personal” nonsense that can get in the way of clarity of thought. 

It also helps clear out all and any negativity that clouds one’s ability to think clearly and critically. 

This new frame is simply a perspective, and it allows one to focus on individual aspects of one’s life in order to constantly excel. 

  1. Conscious Movement

Humans are primal and are not meant to be sedentary, sitting in chairs and watching TV all day. 

We are meant to move, to hike, to climb, to lift, to run, and to swim. 

We are designed to be in nature and to use our bodies. 

Doing so increases our neural connectivity to our bodies, and allows us to access it’s dormant intelligence. 

Choosing to move regularly and with rhythm is a great way to liberate the mind when it is stuck in a rut and needs a refresher. 

Letting go and assuming total focus of the body, having fun in the body, and stretching the body can activate new ways of thinking and give the brain a needed rest. 

It allows one to anchor into the body and face fears that are held within as well. 

Connecting with our bodies creates greater sovereignty. 

Having a healthy relationship with our bodies aids us in anchoring into our physical environment and becoming conscious. 



That’s all for segment 2 folks! 

This has been the second installment of habits that one can utilize in order to liberate one’s consciousness and over-time, build up one’s ability of independent thinking. 

This skill is one that is built up continuously over time. 

Completing tasks, optimizing one’s habits, and continuing to learn, change, and adapt gives one the needed stimulus to think outside the box. 

What has been your experience with learning to think critically and for yourself? 

What habits have helped you? 

Let us know in the comment section below! 

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Namaste, and may the light of awareness guide the way! 

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