How To Free Your Mind

The world is not only a physical world - it is a mental one. 

In todays world the biggest battle taking place is the battle for your mind. 

There are many people who knowingly or unknowingly are attempting to convince you to believe in one thing or another. 

They will utilize suggestive phrases or direct statements in an effort to convince you of what they think and believe. 

Their version of reality. 

The light (your true potential) necessitates that we stay free in heart, body, and mind. 

It is therefore imperative for us to have awareness of how to filter ideas that are coming at us from virtually every direction. 

It is also important to learn how to express yourself effectively so that you can further aid in your process of individualization. 

Now, many people don’t know how to communicate in a way that doesn’t include a forceful way of attempting to get their ideas across. 

They will assume things about what you are saying and respond based off of their own preconceived notions.

As “light bringers” - we must be able to convey our ideas with clarity and precision. 

This is a part of our strategy on how we remain free in the mind, and in this reality. 

Free in the most important thing of all - our actions. 

The ability to keep an open mind in dialogue, then to respond with conscious awareness is a true art form. 

This is tapping into the art of real communication. 

The art of truly dancing in conversation. 

So often people are attempting to speak over eachother. 

To speak to you what is “truth” - which is always based on perceptions. 

Based on what they see as “reality” and what is possible, or probable. 

Communication breaks down typically when one person is overbearing and the other person is underwhelming in their deliveries. 

To resolve this one must simply become a great communicator. 

To communicate effectively is to invite the light in the other to be brought out. 

This involves boundary setting, clarity, consistency, and wit. 

It can includes humor, and what ever else is necessary to convey one’s inner world effectively. 

As long as you are communicating effectively, others will follow suit. 

Learn this art, and you will be able to engineer your own timelines. 

To cut your way through the jungle and build what it is you seek to build. 

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