How To Debate Properly

There are any woes in discourse today. 

Whether political, communal, familial, or personal. 

Many have lost touch with their own voice and ability to reason, and as a result the quality of their lives suffer. 

The ability to think coherently, and to speak coherently, while maintaining a mental frame that allows cordial discussion is essential to a free thinking society and community. 

It is essential for health all the way down to the smallest unit - the individual. 

Filled with “trigger” points, many of us are having to bring upgraded mentalities to the social environments of “normal” people in order to spur and establish higher orders of thinking. 

Higher quality frames of conversation, constantly reeling back the emotional inept and out ov control. 

In this article I seek to provide information that can help one in their own ability to communicate and what to look for in conversation to promote more freedom of thought. 

The Purpose of Debate 

The debate is the arena. 

It is the arena where illusions go to die and ideas based in eternal virtue go to glorify their existence and reign victorious, depending on the skills ov the debater.

Many people have a bad taste in their mouth around the word debate. 

This is acceptable, though not accurate. 

It is because in most discussions people engage in they are accustomed to the regularity of interpersonal attacks and slights that are constantly made. 

People become emotional and can’t handle conversation… and then attempt to emotional wound the one they are speaking with. 

This malicious and vicious kind of behavior is like a dog that snaps at anyone and everyone due to it’s fear and already wounded nature. 

Though those who are equipped with a logical thought process and ability to think divergently are immune to the interpersonal attacks made by those who have malicious intentions. 

Hurt feelings cannot happen to a man (or woman) who is equipped with intelligence and the ability to think coherently. 

This is because the logical thought processes allows one to disengage from the concept of self (ego) and one is not offended or “hooked” into emotional reactions by the words or verbal assaults that others may attempt to sling one’s way. 

The purpose of debate in a “more true” sense is to simply come to common comprehension about the nature of the reality of a thing (the topic of conversation). 

It is in actuality meant to be a co-operative game where both parties are “attacking”, dismantling, and reconstructing the ideas that are in the “center of the table”. 

In the world of “men of the mind”, debate is a tool that is used to come to clearer and clearer comprehension ov reality so that one may progress in their own life, in a project, or any other endeavor of life. 

It is meant to expand one’s mind and consciousness and reveal hidden truths that reality have in “plain” sight.

Two people holding “opposing” viewpoints are capable of doing this as well - given that each party is devoted to truth and knows the proper way to discern arguments and present evidence. 

A “liberal” and a “republican” can have a proper debate and be “friends” afterwords if they are connected to deeper value systems than the superficial faces of their political belief systems. 

This doesn’t mean everyone has to be friends so to speak - though there is a unifying spirit that is possible to attain. 

This unifying spirit is the spirit of freedom - and it is the spirit that guides debate in it’s exalted and true form. 

It is this spirit that is demonstrated by those who engage in debate and have a desire to seek truth - no matter what background or affiliations they are coming from. 

From this sense - those who are “brothers and sisters in spirit” are revealed by their devotion to truth and proper comprehension of what reality is. 

This is the “secret” order that aligns many people from disparate backgrounds, ethnicities, political belief systems, and nationalities. 

It is the guiding spirit of human progress and technological advancement. 

It is the guiding spirit of philosophical advancement and the advancement of the human soul. 

These are the true reasons that debate exists - for it is an arena of magic, language, and logical thought imbued. 

Some Principles for Proper Debate: 

1: Learn What Logical Fallacies Are 

Take time to learn the logical fallacies and be able to identify them. 

For those who are unaware, “logical fallacies” are flaws in logic, which automatically dismisses a point from being true. 

When there is a fallacy at play - dissonance is created. 

This is often called “cognitive dissonance”. 

Cognitive dissonance is the reason one has the experience of confusion

Confusion is the experiential expression of internal cognitive dissonance. 

Clarity is the experiential expression of coherency and logical thinking. 

2: Maintain an Open Mind 

The meditation of debates is to not allow oneself to become offended and remain calm. 

One of the primary ways one does this is by cultivating a curiosity towards life itself and a curiosity towards those one is engaging in dialogue (or debate) with. 

Learning to ask questions (I recommend the book “Socrate’s Way”) is one of the best ways to unlock one’s own mind and to aid in the unlocking of other’s minds. 

You may ask why would one take a humanitarian approach and attempt to unlock the minds of others… to which I would respond by pointing out that when you aid in the unlocking of anothers mind through interactive debate all parties are left better off for it. 

I am also under the belief that we are all a unified consciousness as it is - and the more that any and all human beings are liberated the more net positive experiences and “karma” is created for the entire planet. 

This is good for future generations as well as our experience in the here and now. 

Utilizing one’s ability to maintain the meditation of non-offense and being able to disable another’s point of view through questioning is key to engaging in proper and lively debate. 

3: Assume A State of Nothingness 

“Assuming a state of nothingness” means engaging in the debate from the point of view ov non-attachment. 

Non-attachment to what the outcome of the debate is. 

Non-attachment to any particular idea or concept. 

Instead, it is to assume a state of simply cutting down false or potentially erroneous ideas, while shining light on that which has been established to be true. 

It means asking questions and engaging in dialogue from an open minded perspective. 

It means giving credit where credit is due (being on the side of truth), yet not pandering to ego and slicing it down when it presents itself. 

Debate is a game, yet it is an infinite game. 

It is not a game against the one’s you are engaged in a debate with. 

It is a game that both or all parties are engaging with co-operatively. 

Once one doesn’t identify with their beliefs - there is no opportunity for the “war” like mentality to prosper, or for feelings to get hurt. 

What is true is so, it does not need validation to be so. 

What is false, erroneous, and non-sense will and always has been. 

There is nothing for us to do but discover what the truth is and be willing to face it when it challenges our preconceived notions ov how reality operates and functions. 

This is the purpose of debate, put in yet another way. 

To allow the waterfall of truth to be released from the dam of lies, deceptions, misconceptions, confusion, ignorance, and denials. 

To SEE what is, and simply point it out using the words we utilize to communicate with others.

4: Don’t Be Afraid 

Debates can be a touchy experience, yet it is an arena that strengthens one’s own resolve and strength of character. 

Within the arena of debate one’s might is tested. 

One’s will is tested. 

One’s willingness to speak their mind is tested. 

It is an arena where one can exercise these sacred muscles of communication and thinking, and thereby strengthen them. 

There are many who pray at the alters of ignorance. 

There are many ignorant people. 

They will defend what they believe out of sheer tenacity and egoic defense mechanisms. 

It is our job as light warriors to shed truth when we see that it is obfuscated. 

It is our pride and joy to shine brightly. 

The work of ego is inferior to the work of shining light in dark places. 

There are those who are involved in the matrix to such a degree that they will blindly defend it. 

Their egos are attached to the false ideas they hold, because they would prefer to live in a fantasy rather than reality. 

They would prefer to be propped up by their ego rather than see what is real. 

These people are perfect (and likely unknowing) “sparring” buddies to test one’s resolve and to gain victories over. 

Once you defeat one opponent, it causes a ripple in the collective consciousness. 

This debacle that the world stage is involved in goes to all reaches of our social lives. 

It’s tentacles attempts to penetrate into our homes, our communities, our pubs, and our “official offices” (whatever those may be). 

When we defend FREEDOM, and STAND for FREEDOM, the whole world hears it. 

They can sense it, because the false beliefs that drive tyranny are being deconstructed on the subtle energetic realms. 

Your efforts are always seen and always heard.  

There are many out there who are defending liberty and standing for liberty. 

The more we stand together the more we can shine the light for eachother. 

The halls of victory are also showered with debates that have been won when ignorance has been expelled. 

Ending Remarks: 

Debate is a scared art among gentleman and those who choose to immerse themselves into the halls of the mysteries and of knowledge. 

It is a space that in it’s original intention is designed for open discourse and the changing of minds to align more with supreme reality. 

It is a place for immense healing and transformation to occur. 

It is a space of alchemy and the shifting of souls. 

Know what you are debating for. 

Know when you are corrupted in your own thought process, acknowledge it, and gain the respect of your own self for personal transformation. 

False ideas and ignorance are what stop humans from advancing. 

Nothing else halts or retards human development like ignorance and false ideas that are believed in. 

This is why there are things that are more important than what others would desperately cling to. 

Those things include our humanity. 

Our ability to connect with another human being beyond the social and cultural conditionings. 

It is our ability to live free and discuss ideas for what they are… objects that are beneath us are conscious creators. 

That way we can be there for eachother and see through the delusions. 

For those of us who are on this path - we are reclaiming the true tradition that guides the evolution of the human mind, body, and spirit.

Would you like to connect more to the spirit that has been pointed to in this article? 

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Have a blessed day and may the light guide our way. 

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