Observations on the Voice (How to Empower Your Sight) Part 2

When I listen to my voice and pay attention to it… I can hear the way my subconscious mind is configured. 

I can “see” the way my mind works against me, and the ways it works for me. 

I can hear my insecurities and the “ring” of my intelligence. 

I can tune into this for others too.. and listen to the workings of their mind.. 

Their voice gives it all away.. 

Indications that they are hiding and running from “something”… 

Or that they are being straight, forthright, and exhibit open-mindedness…

Isn’t that a funny thing? 

In this article I will continue the series about the voice. 

Click here to read part one, or continue reading as this article could be a stand alone article in it’s own “write”. 

Let us begin

The voice is vibration.

That vibration affects every cell in our body. 

It affects our organs, 

It affects our minds through neural activity.

It affects our limbic systems, and the emotions we feel. 

It affects the deepest, most primal and reptilian parts of our brains - the aspect of us that engages with what could be threats (and how we respond to them). 

It is my “thesis” that if we learn about to tune our voices correctly, with the correct vibrational qualities… that we can tap into a massive tool to rewire the subconscious mind for the better.

Vibration and frequency is how information is communicated.

The quality of our voice (nuances) affect the way we think.

I stand by my previous statement that “One of the major incoming breakthroughs in psychology, psycho-somatics, and science as a whole will be enhanced comprehension of the human voice”. 

Whether this comes through (and likely will) AI or AI facilitated scientific discoveries… or is uncovered through simple progressive steps from writings and experimentation such as this…

The voice will be understood to be a full reflection of the way one is thinking and feeling. 

It is a reflection of the subconscious mind itself. 

This also beckons in a complete revival and refreshing perspective on what the subconscious mind is (the “other” world beyond this one). 

Let us get into it as we explore how to optimize the voice.

I will give some exercises for you to try yourself (if you dare). 

Once you try these exercises, be sure to take notes on how they affect your emotional state (biochemistry) and report your findings back here. 


(P.S. To the people who think this is hoopla - that’s fine! This information is coming from observation and first hand accounts. It is obvious to me at this point, like everything else that is hidden in plain sight (right in front of our faces, literally)… it may just take time for these breakthroughs in awareness to occur. You as the reader are an important part of making those breakthroughs for yourself. Why are we doing this? Because once this is understood (the power of the voice) it will help people be better people. We will be more aware of one another and hear more clearly. We can learn how to hear the qualities of the“psykhē”… which is a greek word for soul or spirit. The study of psychology is the study of the soul. The listening of the voice is the listening to the vibrational qualities of what is happening within the soul. As we cultivate more compassion for eachother - this information will be invaluable as we learn to access our hearts. CHEERS) 

(Side note: Funny enough the moment I am writing this article the song playing at the cafe I am writing at is “Save Your Tears” by The Weeknd. 

The chorus’s lyrics are: “I don't know why I run away, I make you cry when I run away”. 

....Ha, don’t worry buddy. We are figuring out why we are running away in our subconscious minds. We are able to hear when another is running away and confront whatever needs to be confronted - to give the soul rest, calibration, and to return home. To call us all back home to “source consciousness” and be united with each-other. This is where we are going as a collective species. What it will look like beyond I do not claim to know - though I am walking the path one step at a time and so is everyone else, conscious of it or not.) 

Become conscious, become aware, and face reality 

Let’s go! 

Psychic “Devices” and Vibrational Qualities

 A Quick Word: When a new branch of science (reality) is being uncovered it becomes necessary to be able to speak about it (or write about it 😂). So what happens when the new branch of reality has been unknown or unspoken of? Language needs to “catch-up” to label and name the things that are being witnessed, observed, and explored for what they are. In this vein I may use some terminology that is not “common” though is necessary to explain some things more in-depth. I recognize that the terms used here may be used for now as place-holders. Bare with me and follow along - I am sure that this information will help you in reconfiguring your subconscious for better processing speeds and overall brighter emotional health - which increases your capabilities as an individual human. In this world we could use as many awakened leaders and community members possible as we stand strong for the human species in the face of many, “calamities” that are playing out all over the world. I believe that emerging fields such as this are pathways to attaining more vibrant and expanded forms of consciousness. Consciousness that is simply more capable than what came before… more capable of comprehension and responding to our environments through the utilization of natural law, intention, clarity, and interconnectedness. Our voice is what casts “spells”.. and the vibrations we emit to one another’s conscious minds can greatly affect this world AND the parallel… so let us become conscious of how this mechanism works and how it is here for our benefit as we mature as a “intelligent” species. Aho! 

One of the observations I made about the voice is related to it’s vibrational quality. 

When one SPEAKS, they emit a vibration out into physical space, including sending ripples of vibration throughout the body itself (physically). 

This vibration travels through the body and “rings” through the organs, such as the heart and brain (mind). 

It ripples across the physical tissue, through the cells of our bodies, and so on. 

Electrical signals and sound working together to produce effects. 

As one sends these signals out through their body, it is possible for one to feel and detect discomfort in different parts of the body.

This discomfort usually signifies an area to pay attention to, to resolve cognitive dissonance.

For example’s sake, let’s focus on the heart.

….It’s also important to note that the heart is where the “Heart Chakra” resides and lives.. which is pertinent to this discussion and exploration. 

What the "spiritual community" calls the energy body is pertinent to this conversation.

The Heart Chakra’s functioning is paramount to the well-being of any individual human being. As far as I can tell, it’s been one of the most “damaged” chakras in the modern world.

It is also a "target" of those who are committed to controlling others.

A free heart is a sovereign heart.

A damaged and constricted heart makes one smaller and less capable of acting in one's best interests.

That is the driving force of why human beings are capable of committing atrocities towards eachother. 

(The heart chakra is non-functional and therefore it’s intelligence is disconnected from the conscious mind and subconscious mind.) 

In many traditions it is recognized that there are intelligences that reside in each chakra point (and corresponding organs.

The one's who are interested in controlling humans therefore would like to see that humans are disconnected from these unique and essential intelligences (in relation to the thriving of the human species).

The ones who perpetuate these cultural and physical wars do it for reasons that go against human decency and are a mockery of our higher intelligence and awareness. 

What these forces are, so far to me, seem to be subconscious forces of our own psyches and collective psyche… 

we will have to “meet” them to fully know what they are and what they are seeking.. in order to create a world that is truly In-powered by natural law and diminishes the abusive systems that many are addicted to. 

They must be seen and integrated fully to be nullified. 

Back to the main point - the voice itself gives indication as to where we are experiencing cognitive dissonance within our heart chakra. 

We can detect where our heart’s are “blocked” and then do something about it in order to release those blocks. 

Then we regain connection to our heart’s intelligence and reverse the process that trauma instills into the body (difficult experiences). 

Honest communication is a huge part of this - which is why learning to voice oneself is incredibly important. 

This process of strengthening the chakras through vibration and feedback can and is experienced first hand. 

Don’t believe me? 

Next time you are communicating to someone (anyone), pay attention to the emotions you are experiencing and take note if you feel like you are wearing a mask to engage socially. 

Are you being authentic, and do you feel empowered? 

Or do you feel that you are running in some way? 

Do you feel the need to hide, and if so how confidently do you “conceal” yourself and why? 

Are you able to see the person in front of you clearly (literally) or are you diverting the focus of your eyes? 

If so, why? 

Are you looking directly into the eyes of others? 

Does your voice become stronger when making eye contact? 

At what times does your voice become “smaller” and why? 

When do you lose power in your voice.. what subjects or discussions? 

How well do you speak your mind?

Do you feel confident to do so? 

Are you afraid to share certain pieces of information? 


In which topics does your communication become more elusive? 

Are you being direct and confident? 

Do you feel genuine connection between you and whoever you are speaking to, when you are speaking to them? 

How is the quality of connection between you and those whom you know? 

What about strangers? 

I recommend taking quality notes (observations) relating to these questions… it can give you a huge amount of positive self-reflective information about yourself and reveal a host of patterns that you can optimize. 

Exercise more compassion for yourself. 

Here’s some more… 

Have you identified those who feel the most comfortable when you are speaking to them? 

Why do they feel comfortable? 

What does any discomfort tell you about yourself? 

These are all important questions that can reveal much about how the subconscious mind is operating. 

The trick is to not identify with any of these patterns and instead see the positive in them. 

Why do they exist and how can they work for you? 

How can they be made even better? 

Do you ever notice how our perception of things (which facilitates we respond to “things”) can deeply affect the outcome of those interactions and engagements? 

This is the power of perception… and it is intimately tied into how we express ourselves through the voice operates.. 

…the spells we cast, and the regulation (co-regulation) of our nervous systems. 

Our perception of situations detail the philosophy we live by. 

The perspective we hold has a direct effect on the core vibration we “come from”. 

This core of where we are coming from is the crux of what we are communicating when we communicate

The core vibration is the “place” we are coming from when we engage with others - it is the vibrational reflection of our perception of the other person and experience we are having. 

Feel threatened? The core vibration we emit will reflect that. 

Aggression? Someone’s core vibration will reflect that and be felt through the way they are speaking. 

The way they are speaking includes everything from their tone, the words themselves. 

Our desires, fears, yearnings, and directness is all reflected in the quality of our voice. 

The way of one’s speech is a mirror image of their internal world.

If there are changes we seek to make to our character.. it will involve a change in one’s core vibration. 

It requires changing the mind. 

This requires changing the perspective. 

This in turn changes the way we communicate to others. 

It changes the configuration of our “souls” (nervous systems). 

The “Core” Vibration 

One’s “Core Vibration” is the “single beam of energy” that communicates to us the totality of what a human being is on the inside. 

It includes the admixture of desires, intentions, confusions, and underlying needs that the individual has and aspires to achieve. 

It incorporates the totality of their being and where their focus is. 

It includes what they are “against” and what they are “for”. 

It communicates to us their innocence on a deep and fundamental level.. as well as their confusions and “hang-ups”. 

It tells us how they operate and can tell us why, or how they operate. 

The more confusion they have the more passive-aggressive they may be, for example. 

The more clear and forthright their vibration is - the more direct and no-guess work needed to understand where they are “coming from”. 

It is important to note that even if someone is very “direct” in their communication… it doesn’t mean that they are “right” in what they are saying, thinking, or doing. 

They may be more confident, however they could easily be deluded in their way of engaging with the world and cause much harm to those around them (as well as themselves). 

Someone who is overly confident in their intentions may also be closed minded and stubborn in what they believe. 

It is best to be aware of this kind of person as they may have a tendency to “steam-roll” over others. 

They can be too confident for their own good, and eventually reality reflects that back to them if they are harming others with their communication and their energy. 

If they are being in-sensitive to the way others are operating. 

Eventually the collective does pick up on it and will give them the experiences necessary (hopefully in an optimal way) to reflect to them their own short comings. 

The Core Vibration of a human being can be varied and complex… there are many different flavors of this core vibration. 

Just as their are 8 billion unique soul signatures in the world and counting - so too are there 8 billion unique flavor profiles of vibration. 

Those who are close to eachother may be more resonate with eachother than complete strangers. 

Families may be of a similar nature in the way that they think and handle the outside world.. the way they choose to respond to outside stimulus

A group of friends are like this as well…. and the way a group of people operate is typically what we call “culture”. 

The customs, norms, traditions, and general demeanor of a people. 

This is a reflection of how the “psykhē” is configured and is demonstrated through the voice. 

The patterns of their communication, mixed with their actions and in-actions (“empty space”).

All of this tells us a story of who they are internally and how they are thinking

It informs the way one thinks and the ethics they carry. 

It tells us what they see as acceptable and what is not. 

It demonstrates to us the limitations of one’s thinking and the “edges” of one’s ability to maintain “civil” attitudes and non-violence. 

In this vein it tells us when one may be prone to becoming violent and showcases the invisible boundary lines of one’s capabilities to remain calm. 

It tells us where a person has sensitivities that are to be respected, in the sense that if certain territory is explored in the “wrong way” that one could become reactive 

Sometimes this is for a good reason! If someone approaches another in a sensitive area of their psykhē without regard to what exists there, they could find themselves in hot water in terms of emotional entanglements, retaliations, warnings, and psychic “conflicts”

All of this can be detected through the voice (as well as asking questions). 

How to Observe The Core Vibration of One’s Voice 

The way to observe the core vibration is to simply become aware of it. 

It may not be “simple” and take some practice… though it is possible through repetition. 

This is about detecting people… and analyzing them and seeing them for what they are. 

A tip: I have learned through my own experimentation that a large part of being able to see reality is the willingness to be honest with one’s self. 

The things we hide from in others are the same things we hide from within ourselves. 

Our ability to be clear about who we are as individuals to our own selves, to look in the mirror without flinching, and actually see what and who we are… has a direct correlation in being able to see outside reality for what it is. 

This cannot be overstated and is a maxim that I have come to live by. 

The more honest I am with myself… the more I can see in the world around me. 


The more I practice this path, the deeper I can respectfully peer into the psykhē of others and simply witness what they are.

Often without psychic detection… 

or only detection by “higher faculties” within their mind. 

This creates a genuine connection with the other person… because we all want to be seen for who we really are

This all can be communicated through the voice. 

The games we play with the outside world are a direct reflection of the games we play with ourselves internally. 

If we are being deceptive to our own souls, then we will do so outside of ourselves. 

This again is communicated through the way we speak.. and the vibration we carry. 

Being perceptive is the “name of the game” in order to detect what is actually happening in what we call “reality”. 

That which is real. 

It can’t be any other way in the sense that there is always a reflection of how we treat ourselves and how we engage with objective reality, and the other players in the “simulation”. 

In the dream. 

The nature of reality is complex… though at the same time it can be simple if we adhere and acknowledge the basic ways that the game works. 

Begin with the basics and master them.. everything else is built off of them. 

With the core vibration and communicating clearly.. the basics are found in cultivating awareness

This requires honesty, humility, and observation. 

This is enhanced through many different kinds of exercises… the most basic being quiet meditation where one journey’s into their own soul to observe the many things happening there. 

Witness all of the ways one thinks and the emotions one has. 

What is the core of one’s being and how is one making moves to achieve that goal”? 

In simple terms, the way to observe this is to simply observe… and get better at the act (or mode) of observing. 


Being able to maintain a non-judgmental (zero-point) mode of operation is important in this process. 

It allows one to tap into the core vibration of their being and be liberated from the petty reactions that are having a influence over the world today (and are the main manipulation centers of those who are in the business of “controlling” those around them - from the top down and horizontally in society). 

Here’s some tips for observing the inner world:  

  1. Practice self honesty: Journal and Meditate
  2. Become aware of triggers within oneself and do not allow them to be triggered. Change your programming so that you are immune to judgements from others (psychic warfare journaling - why are you offended in the first place? Regain your power from the triggers) 
  3. Speak and witness how you speak to others… what are your intentions when speaking? 

..That’s It 

That’s it for this one. Stay tuned for more information. 

Comment any observations you make about this “real world” we are living in and let me know how it all correlates for you. 

What observations have you made and what evidence do you have for such things? 

Let us all know so that we can gain insights and mastery of this matrix together… becoming conscious creators on deeper and deeper levels of our psykhēs. 

This is about self-mastery and the prospering of others. 

The attempt to control others is a sign of weakness, ego, and delusion. 

It is one of the biggest pitfalls of those who are seeking to in-power themselves and is a sign of a lack of wisdom. 

There is a greater power which lies beyond mind-control. 

It is the power of sovereignty. 

That is the power that this website honors and seeks to embolden within others. 

This power is intelligence. 

It is a great flame. 

A bright and undying light that cannot be controlled.  

It is freedom of thought and mind. 

Find this in yourself and connect with others through it .

Help others awaken as we reclaim our minds on a collective level. 

As we build new “worlds” and realities (for real) through this innately supreme operating system. 

Regain the power of your decision making and why you are making those decisions.. 

Let is be reflected in your voice. 

Join the Light Craft Nexus Broadcast Group to stay up to date on all of the Light Craft media publications and happenings. 

Did this article make an impact? Either let us know in the comments or write to me directly via the Connect page

~ To many more memories and the transmutation of that which limits our awareness… into higher and more expanded ways of thinking. 

~ To the deepening of our roots and gaining the wisdom of our lineages as we embody what it means to be a living ancestor (Avatar). 

The wisdom lives within us - we have everything we need to build and act righteously in this moment. 

Liberate the heart and let the flood gates open. 


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