How Are You Eating? (Secrets Hidden In Plain Sight)

...The way we do anything is the way we do everything....


The habits we hold and the energy we carry is reflected in all of our daily habits and rituals. 

The way we eat, the way we speak, the way we drive. 

All of this has meaning imbued into it. 

Consciously or subconsciously. 

So - what kinds of vibrations are steering you in your life? 

How are you using your emotional energy to guide you in life? 

Are you anchored to the reality you seek to be building? 

In this article I will talk about a common habit that everyone over the world performs on a daily basis: Eating (and drinking). 

If you observe yourself in these environments, what would you discover? (Uncover, about your belief system?) 


We eat for nourishment. 

Or do we? 

One of the things I gained from my prolonged fasts (28 days + on only water and herbal teas) is that humans use food for far more than nourishment. 

Many are eating for more reasons that simple sustaining the physical vessel. 

Many are eating foods that go completely against the well-functioning of the body. 

So what drives our desire to consume food? 

It may be different for every individual.. though I see patterns. 

I wonder if you observe yourself, if you would see similar things. 

For example, I saw clearly that my own habits with food were mirroring my habits with money. 

Indulging (though I was never obese)… never saving food for later. 

Eating everything on my plate (unconsciously using “it all up” despite the way my stomach felt). 

Complete ignorance to what my body had been speaking to me all along. 

The patterns get complex, and they are deep. 

Once seen, they can be tweaked and optimized. 

Sometimes it doesn’t matter at all.. 

Though it is an exercise of discipline and rewiring the nervous system to interrupt patterns and DO DIFFERENT. 

It reflects a change in consciousness… and can be utilized for our benefit. 

Change the habits - change the mind. 

Change the perspective and change one’s reality. 

Change the way one handles “business” and change everything. 

Becoming Aware

I challenge you to pay attention to your food intake. 

Ask yourself the question: why are you eating the way you are? 

Is it for pleasure (no judgement) or is it because you are truly hungry? 

After not eating food for 28 days plus (2 separate prolonged water fasts, the first being 28 days and the second being 33 days)… I can tell you that most don’t know true hunger. 

So what is convincing you to eat what you are eating? 

How are you making love with your food? 

Is it rough, rushed, and just trying to “get it in”? 

Or are you sensually present and aware of the food you are consuming? 

Is it being consumed with love, care, and connection…. Or is it being consumed to try to quell some angst you feel chronically? 

There are no wrong answers… though being real with yourself pays dividends. 

This challenge of awareness is about facing reality. 

It’s about seeing what pushes you in your actions. 

It’s about seeing the reality and making the changes necessary to take better care of yourself. 

Do you need anything? 

Are you missing anything? 

What would soothe you in a real way? 

Is there anything missing from your lifestyle that would be a greater benefit, and would bring in more stability? 

How do you spend your cash… do you make it last and invest in what brings you more prosperity? 

Or are you spending it recklessly and unconsciously? 

I see it as all connected - do you see any similar patterns in your own life? 

It may be worth considering… 

Take time and observe yourself. 

This is about gaining power and control over your energy. 

It’s about being in the driver seat when it comes to your subconscious programming. 

It’s about your subconscious working FOR YOU, not being under the authority of subconscious fears and turmoil. 

The Challenge

Here are some ideas that you can utilize to see patterns: 

1: Simply notice the speed that you eat 

2: Notice the speed that you drive your car or vehicle (Are there similarities?) 

1: Notice if you leave anything on the plate, or if you consume everything every time (what does this say to you?) 

1: When you are making love with someone, are there similarities in how you engage with your partner and the way you spend cash, or eat food? If so, what are they? Do you please them sufficiently, or are you trying to escape in the feeling? Do you feel connected? (More on this in another article coming soon) 

1: What foods do you seek out and why? What are your favorite foods? 

2: What is your emotional relationship like to food? 

When you take notes on all these things, realize there may be bigger unsatisfactory conditions in your life that drive these kinds of behaviors. 

Food is something that in a natural world would be enjoyed. 

It is a joyous and grateful experience of nourishing one’s vessel. 

The tasty flavors are god’s way (natures way) of showcasing love to us and giving us a pleasant experience as we nourish our own vessels. 

What does this say to you? 

Gratitude, gratitude, gratitude. 

And finally - ask yourself if any of this really matters?

Where is your power?

If this article sparked any curiosities for you, or if you have had any epiphanies about your habits… feel free to share them below. 

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Cheers and live WELL. 

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