Learning To Use One’s Voice (How To Create A Better Life) Tips & Protocol

I am making a prediction:  

One of the major incoming breakthroughs in psychology, psycho-somatics, and science as a whole will be enhanced comprehension of the human voice.

What I mean by this is specifically the qualities inherent in the vibrational component to one’s voice and how this impacts one’s emotional system, access to innate intelligence, expanded awareness, and overall well-being of the individual and collective (which is one and the same). 

Part of this is learning to tune into the voice, to hear it’s qualities, and to detect ways that the voice can be optimized. 

There are many components to this study of the voice. 

In this article I will present some basic exercises that one can do, DIY fashion, to test and see if they achieve positive and worthwhile results though experimentation with the voice itself as it relates to consciousness. 

The goal of these exercises is to liberate the nervous system and bring about a greater degrees of internal peace, outward success in communication, higher quality relating, and heart coherent awareness. 

First I will begin with a little introduction, then an exploration of some basic exercises. 


Over a year ago, when I first began my journey with the Light Bringer archetype, I began to engage in spontaneous “toning” exercises in the evening time. 

These exercises would consist of utilizing my vocal cords to achieve and hold certain frequencies as I laid in bed. 

When I began to do this, I felt that it was inherently good because I was learning to expand my own boundaries with my voice, and therefore felt that it would expand my consciousness. 

As I continued to do this exercise, I began to realize that there is something unique and inherent in the frequencies themselves. 

This began to change my perception of the voice itself, and allowed me to see that if I chose to speak in tune with specific frequencies, I would in-joy a drastic decrease in undesirable emotions like anxiety, and a increase in lucidity in my emotions and thoughts. 

This all came as quite the surprise to me as I began to connect that the frequencies that I was choosing to connect to and the way that my body was functioning, was linked, and it was linked through my voice. 

It all began to make more and more sense, where I realized that I was able to change the frequency in which I communicated which impacted the way that others received my communication as well. 

This began to open up a comprehension that the frequency I chose to speak with greatly impacted the emotional information that was communicated to the people around me. 

This was a very liberating moment for me, as it began to pave a way in seeing how I could communicate from my heart more effectively and clearly. 

This increased my degree of autonomy, and opened up more and more possibilities. 

It all came from a simple “toning” exercise, where I was exploring my voice and it’s capabilities (for singing, chanting, soothing, and general fun). 

I had no idea that I would develop an entirely different point of view of the “speaking voice” itself, and especially my own speaking voice. 

Through this journey of experimentation, I have realized many things: 

1. The frequency that I speak with reflects my internal state. I.e. how I am operating.

2. The qualities of my voice were largely connected to identity constructs.

3. The voice is a tool to communicate information. The frequency one speaks with drastically alters what is communicated, and in many ways the frequency itself is the information that is being communicated. 

As I have begun to explore this more and more, I have been baffled that this has not been explored by the “proper” scientific community at large. 

It seems to be a science waiting to be explored.

It's common to take how someone is communicating as something that is fixed.

Something that is a given.

It's uncommon to see that the voice itself is a representation of all of the internalities of that human being.

To see that it reflects their internal state, and that the voice changes depending on what internal state one is inhabiting.

Further, it's even more uncommon to think of this phenomenon in a scientific context. To explore and see how different qualities of voice affect the biology of the human being.

Through these experiments I have begun to realize that someone’s voice communicates far more than the simple words they are annunciating.

It tells us what someone believes.

There are many aspects to this topic… though the goal of this article is to deliver to you a basic comprehension of the line of thought here, and how one can begin to “attune” internally to create a clearer frame of communication and expand one’s consciousness. 

The Experiment:

In order to begin to experiment with this only requires that one is willing to make noises with their mouth. 

This may sound simple - though it is no easy feat if one is conditioned to not make any noises that would be outside of the normal and expected category of noises.

This experiment requires that you sing, hum, and project your voice.

It ranges from low notes to high notes. 

As you perform these frequencies you may notice that different notes and sounds appear to activate different parts of the body (or energy body). 

The exercise is as follows

1. Lay or sit in a comfortable position where you will not be disturbed. 

2. Begin by closing your eyes and taking a deep inhale and exhale. 

3. Continue to breath deeply as you enter into a deeper meditative state. 

4. Perform the Sphere of Light meditation (imagine that there is a golden light above your head, cleansing you and giving you positive energy). 

5. Begin by singing whatever note or frequency first comes to mind. This could be a high “head” note or a low “belly” note. Notice how it affects your body as you do this. 

5. a: Note: You may feel very strange doing this and fear the judgement of other people. This is a part of the process of reclaiming one’s voice and expanding one’s consciousness. Continue to push yourself and expand your comfort zone as you sing out loud and make these noises. The goal here is not to be fancy, but to find the right frequency and “lock” into it and sing it in tune. 

6. As you continue to tune into yourself, follow whatever direction that your intuition is guiding you in. Perform scales by going up and down the register of your voice. Go very low, then “climb” your way to a higher and higher note. Do this several times. 

7. Find a single frequency that feels good to sing, and sing it for a sustained and long period of time. Focus on this single note and allow yourself to sing it for as long as feels good to do. 

8. Once you feel satisfied with this exploration, become quiet and still. Allow yourself to take in the experience and notice any effects it is having on your consciousness. 


Many of us are taught from a young age to be embarrassed by singing. 

There are many insecurities surrounding the natural musical expression of the voice, and for many this exercise alone is enough to cause one anxiety (just by thinking about doing it). 

By performing this exercise, you are intentionally breaking and bypassing your own subconscious programing that would keep you quiet and hush. 

This exercise then becomes a way to strengthen one’s throat chakra and access greater degrees of power and control over one’s inner world. 

It is cathartic in the sense that you will be breaking many unspoken rules that may (or may not) exist in your social world. 

In my younger world, it was very strange to sing out-loud, and the act of utilizing one’s voice was a taboo in many respects. 

Singing was for singers, in specific times and places.

Not for just "anyone".

There is many things to be explored here beyond the simple breaking of societal norms and subconscious embarrassments. 

The voice is a powerful, very powerful, component to being human. 

It is our nature to utilize frequency and vibration to communicate to each-other ideas of various degrees of complexity. 

The spoke word itself is simply language.

Like anything else, there are different qualities present in the ability for one to communicate. 

Those qualities show up in the literal noises or sounds, that one produces as part of their normal voice. 

These sounds, once explored, have the ability to give great insight into everyone around us, as well as our inner-most selves.

By learning to tune into the frequencies that are being communicated to us, we can be helpful reflections to those around us. 

We can pick up on what they are really saying, as opposed to what words they are using to follow the unspoken rules of societal existence. 

From that point, we can communicate more directly, more “on the money”, and establish clearer pathways of communication. 

These clearer pathways are capable of aiding us in becoming in-powered. 

We can begin to say what we truly mean, and break free from habits of mind that keep our expression stifled behind constructs and ideas based in fear. 

Instead, we can speak from the core of our light. 

This power is achievable, and is available to us at all times. 

It simply requires that we choose to tune into it. 

In this process, we choose to let go of and forget about all of the rules that made us fearful in the first place. 

These false ideas fall away one by one. 

Sometimes they fall in a symphony, or cascade. 

Then we regain our ability to communicate what we mean without the interference of delusional fears that keep humans in states of narrow-mindedness. 

We can speak with greater degrees of meaning, compassion, and comprehension. 

That which is more intelligent does not fear that which is less so. 

Go out and practice this - the world could use more people who are in-powered in their voice and consciousness. 

It makes you free, and thereby, you become a free agent. 

Helping make the world a freer place, through the cognition of your own mind. 

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All of this information is dedicated to the light within every soul on the planet - so that it may be free to express itself, and that all humans may be liberated. 

Stay tuned for another installment in this series relating to frequency and the voice. 

For now, go out and practice the exercise. 

Perform it with friends if/when possible. 

Expand together, and bond. 

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