Who You Are Beyond Shame (How To Express Your Inner Most Being)

The true self is who we are when we are able to successfully express ourselves without the lies ov shame, regret, and other misunderstandings that get in our way. 

This is not to say there isn’t “truth” in these emotions when they arise. 

There may be circumstances where one feels guilt for a “genuine reason".

In todays world though - how many are feeling ashamed and guilty unnecessarily?

Today, shame and guilt are largely “false emotions”, meaning, an emotion that is produced by a faulty and limited belief system. 

An expression of falsehood (in thinking and processing).

How many people are walking around feeling guilty and shameful for things that, from an outside perspective, would not necessitate such self-punishment? 

How many people are walking around thinking and feeling that they "deserve" to be encaged in negative emotions and viewpoints of the “self”? 

How many of these “reasons” for feeling shameful and guilty are in fact.. lies? 

In “god’s” view - what is there to be ashamed about? 

What other perspectives could one adopt, and society as a cultural whole adopt, that would give the most rapid straightforward path to liberation when “circumstances” arise? 

How many ov the “reasons” that people feel ashamed and guilty about themselves, are really areas of the mind where understanding and comprehension have not been afforded, offered, or gained… and instead self-punishment, loathing, and unnecessary blame has taken their place? 

Shame is largely a lie, and it serves to keep individuals in a state of powerlessness and dependency on outside opinions. 

Shame turns into a dictator that has not an ounce of curiosity towards the object in question (the self), and instead seeks to destroy that which it deems as unuseful or value-less. 

Shame is one ov the most destructive emotions and mentalities that one can hold within their own operating system, for it goes against the thriving of the individual themselves. 

It goes against survival. 

That is why shame is a lie. 

It is an emotion that is inherently short-sighted. 

In this world, shame is weaponized and propagated throughout society even on subconscious levels. 


Because false rules create artificial games of “winners” and “losers”. 

These artificial rules set up constraints of who is “wrong” and who is “right”. 

It is divisive, drawing lines according to “culturally sanctioned” criteria and “philosophy” ov what is acceptable and what is not. 

It not only influences the actions people take and the risks they are willing it make… it affects the range ov thoughts they are capable ov. 

Shame dictates a perception of self that is based in impoverishment and valuelessness. 

It tells us that we are worthless.

That we will never amount to anything. 

That we deserve nothing, except pain. 

It is a conclusion based on false premises. 

It is an abusive emotion that stifles creativity, thinking “outside the box”, and loving oneself AND otherz. 

At the end ov the day - shame is a system of beliefs that produce an emotional response. 

On the backend there are a host of faulty beliefs that all ping-pong off ov eachother. 

Shame, the emotion, is the “projected image” or “felt sensation” of these faulty belief systems. 

So how do we change the shame circuit in our nervous systems? 

Tactic #1: Challenge Them and Embrace Defiance 

The way to rewire these false systems is to challenge them. 

How do we challenge them? 

They are challenged through words, thoughts, and actions. 

Deciding where one desires to go, what life one desires to live, and moving towards those anchor points daily is a great way to exercise the muscle that counter-balances any sense of doubt, fear, shame, or guilt that is holding one back. 

Through consistent defiance to the tyranny of shame and guilt, one’s resolve strengthens and the terroristic threats dictated by these false ways of thinking become weaker and weaker - showcasing what they are.. an empty hand. 

Tactic #2 Cease Resistance and Embrace Acceptance 

Another tactic to remove this false emotion from one’s daily or regular emotional experience is to learn to not resist the emotion itself (along with all ov the thoughts that accompany the emotion). 

The experience ov this emotion and thoughts can typically feel uncomfortable, though it is important to not allow oneself to “get twisted up” in the experience of the emotion itself. 

Rather, to simply witness the emotional experience with acceptance is a great way to diffuse the emotion. 

Acceptance of the emotional experience itself is key to preemptively stopping the stress in one’s body. 

When there is nothing to defend, there is nothing to resist. 

Allowing shame to have it’s say without one’s defenses raising as if it where an existential threat is a path to taking one’s power back from limiting belief systems that got one into a spiral of shame in the first place. 

Acceptance creates safety, resilience, and opens up one’s mind to thing outside of the frame that shame would have set out for oneself. 

A Caveat: On The Origins ov “Shame”:

Shame can be seen as a container of thought patterns. 

If you think on it’s terms, you will think irrationally and come to the ultimate conclusion that shame has set out for you. 

To make you small, feeble, weak, stupid, and unable to think clearly or live with an open heart.

This is why shame can’t be reasoned with… only understood for what it is. 

It is a cat chasing it’s own tail, endlessly in circles. 

It puts in so much energy and power into it’s way of being, yet it goes no where. 

Worse, it wears itself thin and causes self-destruction.

It is not a productive way to think or operate. 

So where does this shame come from and why does it exist? 

One way it can be seen is a “mind control” program.

Not to stoke fires of paranoia, but to see it on a more objective level. 

Anything that controls the mind and diminishes one’s ability to exercise free will can be seen as a form of mind control. 

Shame, is an emotional/thought form matrix that serves a “purpose”. 

Can you think ov what purpose the shame you hold serves? 

Who does it serve? 

What “reality” does shame serve to uphold in your life?  

In my world, the core of shame that I began to identify was a lack of accountability. 

The one who is deeply ashamed tends to be the scape goat ov the collective (family, friends, colleagues). 

They have been taught to blame themselves instead of holding others accountable to their own actions and the outcomes of those actions. 

Accountability then is a key to completely undue the puzzle of shame within one’s own brain and nervous system. 

To hold oneself accountable strictly to what one has influence over. 

To one’s own actions and way ov “showing up”. 

Then, ensuring that one is holding others accountable for the way that they speak, what they say, and what they do. 

By shining a light on others in such a way that provides illumination and insight. 

This way, the one who had been holding all the shame and receiving blame for everything begins to establish ground and becomes a beacon of light. 

This cancels out negative energetic and emotional interactions with family members, friends, and projections from random strangers. 

It acts as a reflective shield where the people within one’s vicinity are held to a standard of taking accountability over their own worlds and projections. 

This serves to unite one with their own purpose in life, instead of drowning in seas of blame, worry, and self-defeatism. 

This is the strengthening ov aspects of self that have long been cast aside and have not had a voice to speak. 

Is this you? 

Do you resonate with this archetype within, the one who takes the blame for everything? 

Do you even know why you feel the way you do anymore..? 

If not, that is a sign that you are taking on other people’s projections and energy that was never yours to take on in the first place. 

Hold yourself accountable. 

Join the Light Craft Nexus Telegram Group for more information on liberating your being. 

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