Distinguishing a New Science - LIGHT CRAFT EXCLUSIVE

It is here on this platform & it’s various channels that a new science will begin to be discussed

This new science will be the birthed child from multi-disciplinary studies and cross-sections. 

From physics, to biology, to psychology, and the study of the function of cells. 

We are at a time in history where not only are our technologies rapidly evolving, so too is our collective comprehension of reality itself. 

The birthing of radically different technologies in the next decade is happening in perfect timing to the rapidly changing understanding of what it means to be a human being. 

What human beings are capable of. 

& what the experience of life actually is. 

This cross-section of both academic studies and regularly observed (or quasi observed) phenomenon happening in day to day life is the dawn of a new era of human beings, free from the shackles that once binded their relatives in previous generations. 

Collectively speaking, the hard-work of our ancestors has begotten us to this point of societal evolution… a point that was only prophesied of in the past. 

Ancestral lines rejoicing, for we are finally at a check-point in human evolution where the weight of traumatic patterning is being washed away as we realize our true potentials. 

This landmark in human history is from the effort of all humans previously, with special acknowledgements to those souls who brought forth massive contributions to the collective understanding of life as we know it. 

From naturalists such as Charles Darwin, to astronomers such as Galileo Galilei. 

From musical geniuses like Beethoven to modern day philosophers such as Ayn Rand. 

From poets, architects, statesmen, and mystics.

Including every single life that has ever lived as a human on this planet. 

The Great Work is nearing a pivotal moment in the grand story arc of Humankind. 

We as a human species have reached a point in our evolution where we are crossing a threshold in the development of civilization itself. 

Many of our old concepts are falling away. 

Many ideas are being peeled until their core of truth is exposed in all of it’s glory. 

Much of our inner-standing of the nature of reality is taking new shapes. 

Our perception of perception itself, and the ramifications therein is changing. 

Our knowledge of history is expanding, as full disclosure draws ever more near. 

Our repository of collective data and information is increasing. 

The pool of knowledge in which we draw is gaining more and more depth. 

Governance itself is being rethought with new philosophical support beams. 

Trauma patterns on a collective scales are beginning to collapse. 

We are like insects birthing ourselves anew, discarding our old exoskeletons. 

Each and every individual is existing in a state of quantum superposition. 

Showing glimpses of what is, and what could be. 

The old-school wisdom of ancestral roots is ever-present, showing it’s eternal face of ancient futurism. 

The ancestral spirits are coming forth through the vessels of human beings more and more consciously. 

What was thought to be impossible is now happening before our very eyes. 

Freedom has arrived - and with it a re-ignition of the passions that have guided humanity through time. 

Dance, music, art, & film - wedded with the sciences of physics, architecture, design, and engineering. 

The feminine is beginning to be embraced and integrated. 

The masculine is beginning to stand in his power, shrugging off the slings and arrows that have been perpetuated against the misunderstood and abused little boys that live within. 

The bridge between the sexes is nearing completion, with many already able to jump across the gap. 

How do we unlock this? 

By unlocking ourselves. 

& by connecting with each-other. 

Follow The Light Craft Nexus If You Are Ready To Evolve 

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