Reclaim The Power of Your Touch (ALCHEMY)



Touch is a powerful form of expression. 

When we touch, we speak. 

We speak about our intentions. 

We speak about why we are here. 

We spread vibrations. 

In a world that is lacking basic interpersonal touch… 

In a world that fears chemistry and physical touch…

How do we reclaim our ability to spread love to those we care about? 

How do we create the right vibration in ourselves to spread… 

To build trust and power? 

In this article I will “speak” on this topic from my own personal journey of reclaiming my sense of touch and sharing that with others. 

Let’sss go. 


In a normal world, we would spread our affection to our companions, tribe members, family members, friends and allies alike through touch. 

We have the ability to support those around us and help in co-regulating nervous systems through secure and deliberate connection physically. 

A pat on the back.. 

A affirmative handshake… 

A celebratory high five. 

All of these rituals of victory have been lost and are sorely missing in most public and social gatherings. 

How did this happen? 

When did people stop trusting eachother? 

What is it that people fear by touching others? 

What is it you fear? 

Are you afraid of rejection? 

In either case… the dismissive attitude towards physical touch is a sign of disempowerment. 

This is about tuning one’s frequency such that physical touch is supportive. 

That it demonstrates touch in an emotionally felt way. 

That it builds celebratory energy and keeps energy moving in a positive direction. 

It showcases confidence and a sense of home within one’s own being. 

If you seek to introduce touch more into your life… keep reading. 


In order to safely touch others and build those connections.. it is important to cross the rift. 

This can be simply greeting others through physical contact. 

Grabbing a shoulder… patting a back. 

Eye contact and handshakes. 

Smiles and hand-grabs. 

Many are too afraid to touch others. 

Many feel all kinds of weird to physical touch. 

Is it the over-sexualization and trauma that people have incurred by being too close to the “wrong” people? 

A PTSD response to not wanting to be hurt? 

I have seen this, and guess what? 

Touching others has a healing affect. 

Many are craving deep interpersonal connections..

Yet one of the main hinderances I see in this pursuit is the confusion about what “touch means”. 

So what does it mean when you touch someone? 

Are you trying to “take them home”? 

Are you supporting them? 

Predatory mentalities have ruined our natural ability to connect with eachother. 

To hold a friend in a kindred fashion. 

How do we purify our vibration?

...It’s all about personal intention and releasing hinderances that get in the way of our genuine expression.

Question, why is it you are wanting to touch people? 

First, recognize it’s a natural human need (for physical touch). 

The more that you can purify your outlook on others.. 

Wishing them success in a unhindered fashion…

The easier it will be to incorporate touch into your normal way of engaging with others. 

And others will thank you for it. 

Many people are afraid.. 

They feel unsafe. 

Why wouldn’t they? 

Look at the world we are living in.. 

Look at the world both men and women alike are facing. 

Many are very disempowered and it takes a bright light to bring one back to life. 

To recognize their own worth reflected back at them. 

How in alignment are you.. others can feel that. 

How much interpersonal space do you need and do you know when you actually don’t want to touch any specific person? 

Do you listen to your natural primal desires to show affection to another and make “contact”? 

Do you know the boundaries that one can sense and know how to work with those? 

Do you know how to respect the boundaries of yourself and others… while offering safe space to connect? 

This is the key to unlocking our hearts.. to unlocking one’s own heart. 

It is about expressing what is natural and pure. 

Disregarding the hinderances and excuses that many have rolling back and forth in the back of the mind. 

Are you able to provide the vibration that allows people to melt and unwind themselves? 

Have you been able to curate that environment for others? 

Do you know what that feels like for yourself? 

Masculine Virtue 

As men we have a duty to provide safe spaces for the women we care about. 

It is our natural ability when we are on the path of in-powerment to provide safety to the women around us. 

If they don’t feel safe, are you able to be a lighthouse in the dark? 

This ability is what brings quality women into one’s life. 

It’s what contributes to long-term successful relationships and building of everything that matters in life. 

Families.. communities… tribes. 

If you feel unsafe to touch.. why is that and do you accept that? 

Are you accepting yourself on the deepest of levels and going out on a limb to gain the connection you need to thrive? 

These are the questions that can allow one to prosper if explored. 

If felt into… 

As men, we are the vanguards of safety. 

We can identify predatory behavior. 

We can see when a female is genuinely unsafe and feeling uncomfortable (if being pursued by someone who can’t take a hint for example…) 

Yet we can also provide a pillar of virtue that can help them see more clearly. 

We can provide touch without trying to use them for sexual gratification and nothing else. 

Just to throw another away and misuse the sacred feeling of touch. 

Touch is a form of care. 

It is a way to transmit energy to another.. even simple handshakes. 

What does your frequency transmit to others? 

How clear is your signal from within? 

Meditate on it and seek out what you truly desire.. then give that to people. 

What does it feel like when your heart is open and emitting loving vibrations to those you are connecting to? 

Is it disarming and able to open up conversation? 

Nothing is more important than this… 

In the spaces of safety real communication can take place. 

Real illumination can enter “into the chat”. 

Men to Men 

What does your eyesight say about you? 

How do others feel when they shake your hand? 

Have you dominated your interior world enough to transmit a sense of power? 

Are you a respectable man that others can sense through your presence and the way you choose to embrace them? 

Are you beyond small insecurities and ego, and can genuinely be a light for other men who are rising in their own path? 

Are you on that level? 

Do you have others on that level around you… or do you have “friends” who can’t get a grip on their own insecurities? 

Do they wish the best for you… or are they filled with insecurities and jealousies? 

As men, we are meant to support eachother. 

No female should become a man and those he considers brothers. 

In a healthy world, all relationships operate together like a giant machine. 

Respect, honor, and codes of conduct in tact to embrace the vibrancy of all parties involved. 

Taking one’s power back internally is the first and final step to this process. 

Once you are empowered you are no longer at the whim of others. 

No longer dependent on others. 


Because you have the ability to utilize your voice. 

You can touch and use your physicality with purpose as the chi flows through your body and animates your vessel. 

Intelligence imbues you and is able to act quickly in all ways. 

Actions, words, facial expressions… all of it. 


What does your touch communicate to other men? 

How do you show up and how are you communicating with others about who you are and where you are going? 

What boundaries have you established for yourself and how do others respect you? 

Calibrating Your Touch

There are many ways one can begin to purify their own sense of touch and utilize it for their own purposes. 

For their own betterment and the betterment of those around them. 

First, get involved in some kind of activity that involves “contact”. 

This is to get physical touch into a normal part of your life. 

Dance classes, martial arts, or anything else is a great way to do this. 

Many are touch deprived, and incorporating touch in any capacity will be good for them. 

If this describes you, then do it. 

Remember, if an infant is not touched it will literally die. 

Touch is for survival and emotional maturity, thriving, and stability. 

Emotional health. 

Second, begin to touch the people you love and care about. 

Begin by giving your mother some love through a hug and any form of physical contact your intuition guides you too. 

Give your father or step-father a high five and handshake. 

Give your sister a hug and tell her it is good to see her. 

Do the same for your brother and tell him whatever is needed in that moment. 

Stop with-holding your love from the people you care about. 

The love you with-hold to others is the love you with-hold to yourself. 

You must open your heart to allow them into it and grow. 

Begin by touching those who are closest to you. 

Then begin getting comfortable touching people you don’t know that well. 

This involves seeing the opportunities to make contact and eliminating the entire vibration of “weird” when you engage with others. 

Sooner or later it becomes natural and people take note and will thank you for it. 

They will like you more, because you are more inviting, warm, kind, and “go-lucky”. 

You demonstrate that you are non-attached and are emitting a frequency that goes beyond the basic interaction you are having. 

It has nothing to do with “them”… rather just emitting a vibration for the benefit of other human beings. 

That is the level I would like to see more of in this world.. 

And the gift I would love for you and others to give themselves. 


Let’s create a world of SAFETY. 

Let’s create an environment to explore the depths of who we are and to expand. 

Let our culture be defined by emotional safety and stability. 

A culture defined by support and positive vibrations between community members. 

And you can begin to cultivate this in your own home, circle, and community. 

Let the light shine forth from your being and find out what that means for you. 

How can you be more supportive to others? 

How does your physicality support that? 

How can you perform rituals that seal the safety you are creating, and expand it? 


P.S. Communicate with your words. Spells. Affirmation. Connection. Anchoring. 

Cheers, and until the next one 

Did you in-joy this article? 

Connect with the Light Craft Nexus on Telegram to keep yourself updated on future articles, current events, and other developments. 

Drop a comment about how touch has impacted your life and aided in opening hearts. 

I challenge you. 

Peace and love

May the light guide the way, open our minds, and allow us to see the way 🌟

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