Inner Attunement and Self Discovery

One of the best ways to discover and realize your own potential is by paying attention to your emotional world. 

Now, it is popular in today’s online culture, especially, to promote a worldview of “non-emotional” men.. when in reality the life of a human being is colored by their emotions. 

Take this thought experiment: 

Granted that you are “successful” materially in both scenarios.. would you rather have a life that has emotions that make you feel good, nourished , excited, and rejuvenated on a regular basis; or would you rather live a life of material success yet you feel emotionally drained at all times of the day and night? 

One of the founding principles of Light Bringer philosophy is that our personal power is gained and wielded though self-knowledge and self-discovery.

One of the ways we come to know who we are is by paying attention to how we are feeling.. by observing our emotional reactions so that we can learn from them and take better actions. 

Our emotions then act like a feedback mechanism that informs us about our environment. 

When someone is being unkind, how do you know they are being unkind? 

It is through the tone of their voice perhaps. 

The words they are using. 

Yet we can inherently feel if someone is behaving in a way that we do not like or is not good for us. 

We know this because we can sense it internally within us.. which then can guide us to take proper action to maintain a positive relationship with the people outside of us. 

Many people for example, can be irritating in a way that they do not realize.. and so it is our job to inform them how we like to be treated - or the kind of treatment we will accept and not accept. 

This is the basis of interpersonal communication.

These emotional reactions that arise within us, whether positive or negative in any given scenario, are our personal messengers of the energetic fields around us. 

There are some people whom we meet and we may automatically sense that the engagement with that person will feel “rough”. 

We may immediately not like someone without ever having exchanged words with them, or without ever had even heard them speak! 

This is due to our innate abilities to sense into another human beings energy and get a sense for who they are (without talking to them). 

This is correlated with what people call “snap judgements”. 

Now it is also important to state that the way that we respond is entirely in our own personal control as well. 

Ideally, we are responding in a way that brings greater clarity to the situation and ultimately ends up helping the other person, and establishes any necessary boundaries needed for our own emotional safety. 

We don’t respond to hurt the other person per se, mores to speak truth to them where they feel our energy and sense that we are willing to stand up for ourselves (in the scenario where disrespect may be occurring). 

The willingness to stand up for ourselves is usually enough to help the other person calibrate into a more balanced way to behaving. 

You may even notice that people’s behavior changes when they interact with you, where you can sense that they are more respectful, and genuinely are trying to change. 

If someone has a behavior of disrespecting you, you can guarantee that you are not an isolated incident. 

It is actually a fractalized behavior that they put into every interaction they have, especially if they themselves feel triggered (consciously or subconsciously!). 

Learning to not take things personally and remaining non-attached to another persons behavior is extremely important in finding balance within yourself. 

So how do we learn to tune into our emotions? 

It is pretty simple - it just requires courage in order to actually express yourself properly. 

Many people are hiding fear within themselves.. and that fear can become triggered in any given scenario that one may find themselves in. 

In order to master one’s emotional life - one must simply start by being raw with themselves about what they are feeling. 

Insecurities, judgements, internal critiques, false and limiting beliefs, or genuine confusions are all things that one can begin to pay attention to, and simply make note of as they are progressing along. 

Not every emotion has to be some huge revelation.. though by becoming more and more aware of one’s emotional life one may just begin to make major breakthroughs that then helps them transform their own character. 

When these emotional breakthroughs occur (which are also logical and cognitive) one can then begin to change the habits and patterns that one has been seeking to change for x amount of time. 

All those things that you wish you did, or wish you didn’t do, become far easier to change when you actually make breakthroughs internally where you gain much more profound comprehension of why you are operating the way that you are. 

You can not change the way a computer is programmed until you understand how it is programmed to begin with - so to speak. 

You can’t build a house on a foundation until you understand the land that you are working with is perhaps a better metaphor. 

You must have inner-standing in order to grow and develop. 

This is the way. 

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