Spontaneity: A Quickstart Guide To Living Optimally [PART 1]

“As Within, So Without” 

Life is a balancing act. 

If everything was “hot” all the time..

one would eventually crave the cold. 

If everything was bitter cold at all times… 

one would crave the warmth. 

The same is true when it comes to balancing our internal world.

As humans we are habitual creatures, and it can be easy to get “locked into our routines". 

Our sub-conscious patterns of behavior.

This phenomenon, ov subconsciously being locked into specific routines, reflects internal processes. 

Thoughts, emotional wirings, and habitual neurologically driven lenses ov viewing reality. 

How many are stuck in their ways ov doing, thinking, and feeling? 

How many ov you reading this wish that you could introduce some novel experiences into your life? 

New things, more exciting and aligned with who you want to be and what you are becoming? 

How does one build that bridge? 

Sometimes we need to shake the pot to get things moving. 

Sometimes (all the time) we need to break our own “status quo” and rebel against the lackadaisically established order. 

Sometimes we need to get out ov our own heads and think, feel, and behave in new and exciting ways. 

This ability to “change”, or to act spontaneously and on a dime, is given to us by our nature. 

The nature of who and what we are as human BEINGS.

Being able to sense opportunity and act on it in the fucking moment is what separates the overly rigid order followers from the innovators and pioneers (in any given field or area ov expertise). 

The slave waits for approval, never trusting his own judgement.

Never able to experience his own ability to determine the path he is consciously choosing.  

Always looking for someone to tell him “YES” or “NO”. 

The awakened, the Light Bringer, The Primal… are connected to their internal compass that guides them like a North Star. 

Expanding, growing, and becoming ever more aware of their surroundings and the nature ov reality. 

Adapting to changing circumstance and learning from all experiences. 

It is only in the modern world that men are so brainwashed and fearful that they fear acting, let alone allowing spontaneous and serendipitous events unfold.  

Then they wonder why the women are not attracted to them. 

They wonder why wealth never “finds” them. 

It is because they are afraid ov risk. 

They are afraid to step into the unknown. 

They are afraid to embrace their latent potentials. 

This doesn’t mean always “risking it all” and being an unthinking reckless idiot…   

It means being in tune with opportunities. 

Sensing opportunities. 

In the modern world, this intuitive capacity has been numbed and stuffed out. 

Handicapped for many. 

Woefully so. 

We are trained to reject this sense within ourselves. 

Through this conditioning, the individual becomes their own slave master. 

Programmed straight into the nervous system and reinforced through fearful response mechanisms. 


On the other hand (the red pill)… connecting to and building a relationship with one’s intuitive guidance and primal operating system builds trust. 

This is true for both men AND women. 

In this article I will share insights I have gained by following my intuition and acting in spontaneous ways. 

I will then give exercises and “frames” that one can utilize to build their spontaneity muscle to live a life based in FREEDOM. 

After having written this article in full, it has become clear that it will be apart ov an on-going series. 

Buckle up, and getting ready for some codes to be delivered to your brain and nervous system. 

Freedom for All. 

Your Spirit Is Speaking To You: 

Spontaneity comes like a flash. 

It is in the moment, on the spot, and can typically require that you act on a dime.

That’s the essence of spontaneity - quickness, rapidity, and hastefulness.  

It is because spontaneity has to do with opportunity, and often the doorway for opportunity has a time-clock on it. 

If this “time-clock” is honored, then the fruit is gathered in perfect ripeness for enjoyment and capitalization. 

To the Ancient Greeks, this is a concept known as kairos. 

a moment in time where the stars are aligned and the window of opportunity is available. 

In our daily lives this phenomenon happens regularly if one is paying attention to it. 

It is “metaphysical”. 

The typical caveat to it, is that it stretches the limitations ov the ego itself. 

This is why many fail to honor these moments. 

They subconsciously reject the opportunities coming their way (the blessings) because they fear what it would mean for them. 

They change you. 

They call you to step outside ov your normal range ov perception and affirm to yourself that you are ALIVE. 

These opportunities are what turn a zombified man into an awakened leader. 



Because these moments ov opportunity and the impulse that shoots through one’s consciousness like a bolt ov lightening.. 

They are moments where one is connecting to the divine within them and receiving clear and conscious advice. 

One could see each moment like this as a rite of passage. 

It is an opportunity to commune with one’s multidimensional self - the spirit that resides within. 

No matter what the intuitive impulse beckons one to do… 

It is a growing opportunity to expand one self. 

For men, these moments act as catalyzers for masculine development and maturity. 

For the cultivation of wisdom.. among other things. 

In these moments, the primal and “spiritual” are seen as one and the same. 

Two sides of the same coin. 

Back to Primal 

In the general thinking ov modern times the word “impulse” is typically related to obnoxious and reckless behaviors. 

To a degree this may be correct, or seen to be so.

Yet in the primal sense, there is a deep intelligence that comes through what is real impulse as it relates to kairos

Real impulse is what guides men to catch a baseball heading straight for someone’s face. 

It’s the hand that grabs a child when the child is walking mindlessly straight into traffic. 

It’s the arm that blocks a punch coming from a deranged and drugged homeless person. 

It’s the voice that says “bullshit” when in the presence ov a deceiver or scammer. 

This is impulse, and it comes from deep parts ov our physical brain. 

Highly evolved to see both opportunity and potential dangers. 

It tells us when something may pose a threat to us or those we love and care about. 

It also tells us when there is an opportunity and guides us on how to seize that opportunity. 

It brings us to bounty and plenty if listened to. 

What is required ov us is to move beyond our own inhibitions and excuses. 

To push through social and societal programming, which so often goes against our nature. 

It requires that we believe in something

It requires that we choose to live.

In many spiritual circles the focus (especially in the “New Age” circles) is on the “celestial”. 

The “spiritual”. 

The “above”. 

The “high”. 

Yet, there is little recognition ov the deep rooted wisdom ov the animal nature within us all. 

Worse, the animal is seen as disturbing, negative, and a hinderance to one’s “spiritual” path. 

Nothing could be further from the truth. 

The primal is the spiritual, and vice versa. 

This is one ov the greatest unseen and unbeknownst deceptions to the one’s who reject their animal instincts, and clearly are suffering for it. 

Their lifestyle, their postures, their successes, all reflect a missing and vital element to their “experience” of being a human being. 

How is it that all the corruption exists? 

Perhaps because people have been pacified and lack the rootedness to protect even the most vulnerable people of society. 

They have been declawed and neutered. 

This aspect ov us, the inner primal, is what allows us to see a charlatan from a mile away. 

It’s what informs us to the questions to ask when vetting another human being that presents themselves to us or those that we are connected with. 

It is able to “sniff out” the intentions ov other human beings and align us with the deep truth about where other’s are coming from. 

So what is the link between the primal and spontaneity? 

The answer is simple, in it’s roots.. it taps into our primal nature.

It’s what spurs creativity and innovation, which has driven human progress throughout the millenias. 

It has aided in the optimization ov genetically influenced personality characteristics ov different ethnic groups which have managed to survive into the modern day age. 

It is an ancient experience to the human-animal and is deeply entrenched in our nervous systems. 

It’s a main factor in aiding us in our evolution across the board. 

Spontaneity is a character carving device… it influences one to grow in specific directions. 

In a tribal sense, it aids in building trust and creating cohesion among and within groups. 

This is because we trust those who are willing to act on their own volition - which is ultimately connected to our deepest knowing and clarity.

Trust is built through these acts on a repeated basis and is geared towards the benefit of all beings within and without. 

This innate liberation that is built over time has a direct link to survivability and thriving ov a culture, tribal unit, and greater unified society. 

The more that are acting on their impulses, the more safe the world is. 

The more capable every individual is. 

The more awake every human being is. 

How To 

Introducing spontaneity in your life simply requires that you begin doing the things you wouldn’t normally do. 

Acting on impulse

This is a journey ov facing all ov your vices. 

It is a journey ov facing all ov the excuses that you habitually tell yourself that stops you from performing optimally. 

Spontaneity is not just about having “fun” in random ways - it is also about changing one’s habits and facing the laziness within oneself. 

It is about reconnecting to one’s innate will to do better and want to do better - which requires that one stops sympathizing and making excuses for the aspect ov self that would “rather not”. 

In this way, the aspect of self that one identifies with changes. 

Instead of sympathizing with the aspect ov self that makes excuses..  one begins to identify with the aspect ov self that is pushing for growth, novelty, and creation. 

This change in identity changes one’s vibrational state and influences the biochemicals that drive behavior and inhibit behavior. 

Spontaneity is confrontational. 

It is essential for a boy to become a man. 

It is essential for a girl to become a woman. 

It is required for a free mind. 

Here are a list of tips to guide one in acting on their impulses and reclaim who they are: 

1: Fuck the Rules 

Act how you want to act. 

There is little that you can do that will land you in serious hot water… and unless you are a complete psychopath, you are biologically equipped to know if the way you are acting is “bottom-line” acceptable or not. 

Most men are undermining their own lives due to NOT taking action, rather than taking “wrong” or misplaced actions. 

It is a perversion psychologically speaking.. an inversion. 

Men hold themselves back because they don’t want to be seen as “rude” or “obnoxious”, yet in that way they are suppressing who they are and providing evidence to the outside world that they do not have what it takes to live life effectively. 

That is the paradox. 

Question the rules and act against how society would have you act. 

This is not a world for nice little boys. 

It is a world for men who are actively questioning the status quo and reclaiming what connection, bravery, honor, and tribal ethics are on a soul level. 

2: Pay Attention

Pay attention to the world within you, and when lightening strikes (epiphany) - take it’s signal and do what it calls for you to do. 

Learn to connect with your intuitive guidance and be willing to experiment with it. 

Form a relationship with it and build trust with it. 

Test it and see what the results are. 

Our intuition, those pings to act spontaneously… they are our connection to something bigger than “ourselves”. 

Many ov us were not raised with real love, so it can be confusing to connect to a source within that wants a better life for us AND can deliver it for real. 

To change our reality. 

Though, that is the essence ov what love is. 

What intuition is. 

What the primal instincts are. 

The intuitive guidance pushes us to be brave. 

To be courageous. 

To LIVE in a different way and DISCOVER the depths ov who we are and how to honor ourselves. 

This is a shedding process that occurs when one truly starts to align themselves with their own innate intelligence. 

Like a snake, we shed our egoic skin ov ideas, beliefs, and perceptions. 

When we connect to what is real, we begin to see the world more and more differently. 

Our perceptions change. 

And it all begins with learning to listen and take action. 

“Be in the arena”.  

3: Listen 

The primal instincts within us are what allows us to break our social conditioning. 

If you pay attention you will notice that there are different “levels” ov reality that people operate on. 

On one level is the level that includes all the social conditioning. 

It is the level that “goes with the rules” and acts polite in predictable ways. 

It fears social criticism. 

It tends to be insecure (because the true self is being rejected and feared to be wrong). 

It all stems from childhood and the way that one was spoken to and raised. 

This level, unless reprogrammed sufficiently, has great influence over the operations of one’s nervous system.

The general thought and emotional patterns one experiences tends to be a result of this level characterized by social conditioning. 

Then there is the level ov pure primal instinct. 

In conversation, there are plenty ov opportunities to “pattern interrupt” anchor in more genuine connection. 

This can be with anyone and everyone - it doesn’t matter what the context is. 

It could be a community bonfire. 

It could be a family gathering. 

It could be a chance encounter with someone at a restaurant.  

At this level, where one is listening to their instincts, spontaneity becomes a device to interrupt patterns and create connection between various “parties”. 

To communicate clearly and actually live life. 

This eventually becomes a way ov life the more that one follows the pings they receive. 


Ultimately, the magic ov spontaneity is about self-reliance and learning to think for oneself. 

Most are incredibly disconnected from their own god-given intelligence, and so look upon their own intuitive insights and directions from the “all-mighty” with suspicion and fear. 


Because humans have been programmed to place an outsider here on Earth in the place ov their own intuitive guidance system. 

We are bred to seek external validation from the “authorities” who “know better” (who says that they do?) rather than relying on what we know to be true and learning to develop ourselves beyond being shells ov our latent potential. 

Does a doctor know better, when they are prescribing pill after pill instead of going to the root of the problem? 

Does a teacher know better when they actively are against freedom of speech and critical thinking? 

It has always been one’s ability to connect with their inner nature that drastically increases the chances of survival and prosperity. 

This time and place in human history is no different. 

Our foundations remain, despite the state of the world. 

If this message speaks to you, stay updated on the happenings and new productions from the Light Craft Nexus by connecting on Instagram, Telegram, and Twitter

Show your support and be supported. 

Something our ancestors knew well and we are all waking back up to. 

Share your stories with us through the connect page and write a guest post.. or comment below about a recent victory you achieved by following your intuitive guidance system. 


Let us know. 

Peace, namaste, and may the light guide the way. 


Stay tuned - this topic will be the focal point of an on-going series of articles.

Let’s explore it together. 

Until next time, 


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